Chapter 8: Iron man 2

Start from the beginning

"Sorry. He doesn't like to be handed things"

"Yeah, I have peeve"

"I got it. You are hereby ordered or appear before the senate tomorrow morning at 9 am" Marshal said.

"Can I see a badge?" Tony asked.

"You wanna see the badge?"

"He likes the badge" Happy said.

Marshal pulled out her badge. "You like my badge?" She asked.

"Yep" Tony started the car engine "how far are we from D.C.?"

"D.C.? 250 miles" Happy said.

Tony drives off to D.C., later Tony and happy arrived at washing D.C..

"Mr. Stark could we pick up now where we left off? Mr. Stark. Please" Senator stern said.

Tony was facing the crowed but looked back at Senator Stern. "Yes dear?"

Senator stern rolled his eyes. "Can I have your attention?"


"Do you or do you not possess a specialized weapon?"

"I do not"

"You do not?"

"I do not. Well, it depends on how you define the word weapon?"

"The Iron man weapon!"

Tony paused for the moment, if he had told the word that he was a mutant a long time ago things would have been different. The iron man suit wouldn't be the weapon or the threat it would be him. He's a mutant. A mutant that can control things with his mind, telekinesis. He could kill someone easily but he could never do that. He was human once.

"Uh my device does not fit that description"

"Well... how would you describe it?"

"I would describe it by defining it as what it is, Senator"


"It's Hugh tech prosthesis. That is... that is....that's actually the most apt description I can make of it"

"It's a weapon, it's a weapon. Me. Stark"

"Please, if your priority was actually the well being of the American citizen...."

"My priority is to get the iron man weapon turned over to the people of the United States of America"

The talking between the Senator Stern and Tony Stark continued about the Iron man suit being a weapon and wants it to be handed over to the United States of America. Until the little bitch Justin Hammer started talking. Tony was tired of this so he hacked the TVs and pulled up a video of Justin Hammer playing around with suits of Armour, a suit losses control and was shooting everyone; Some blood got on the camera and everyone's eyes widened. Justin on the other hand is trying to turn off the TV and works. Yelling and talking goes around the room about what happened. Tony talks about priority which pisses Senator Stern off and just before Tony left he said. "Fuck you Mr. Stark, Fuck you Buddy!"

Later that day Tony gets home, he was all by himself. Pepper had stuff to do, Happy was with her and Rhodey was doing his job. For once in Tony's life he actually didn't feel like going down to his lab so he went to his room, flopped on his bed and lay there. Tony flinched at sudden phone ring, he looked at his phone and noticed that Charles was calling him.

"Hello?" Tony said.

"TONY!" Tony realize that wasn't Charles it was everyone. Ororo, Jean, Scott, Hank and Logan.

"Uh Hi?" Tony said.

"Oh my god we saw the news! Holy crap Tony your a savage" Jean exclaimed.

"Ya like damn, you pissed him off and exposed Hammer!" Scott said.

"Haha well I do love exposing people I hate" Tony chuckled.

"Well anyways when can you come visit? Because last rime we saw you was 8 months ago" Ororo asked.

"Well I have been busy" Tony said.

"Aww please can you come by for a bit, we want to see you and we told the kids that your a mutant and Iron man and now there wanting to meet you!" Jean and Ororo said.

"Jean! Ororo! If tony is Busy, he's busy ok" Hank said.

"Uh but after I'm done I could maybe visit" Tony said.


"Ok well I gonna go, talk to ya soon" Tony said.

"Bye Tony"

And with that Tony  hung up.

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