Chapter 7: Good Night ;)

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*Harith's POV*

I was on my way home, alone. I had a great time with them earlier.

We all split up ways because it's getting dark now, and none of us are allowed to be outside, late night.

I head home, and tried to open the main door.

"It's locked?" I said, confused.

I tried to open it again but it seems like it's really locked.

"Alucard?" I called from outside.

There's no response.

I called once again. "Alucard!!"

There's still no response.

I found a piece of paper attached to the side of the door. I grabbed it and read.

"Harith, If you are reading this, please immediately proceed to the Moniyan Castle. Sincerely, Alucard."

What? Why? What's wrong? Is there another problem? I worriedly asked all of this to myself.

I quickly went to the Moniyan Castle as soon as possible.

I barged in. "Alucard!!"

I saw Alucard sitting on a table with Fanny, Tigreal and Mr. Granger.

"Hey, Harith. I need to tell you something." Alucard said.

"W-What is it? And w-why is our house locked?"

"Look, Harith. Granger and I are going to be on an important mission and we will be traveling for a few days. Miya won't be there to take care of you since she is also gonna be busy with some duties as an elf. I don't want you home alone so I asked Tigreal if there is any trustworthy person to keep you while we are gone." Alucard said.

"But why?! I can take care of myself!" I replied.

"No. There are many risks that could happen to you, as the only youngster in charge of the whole house." Alucard continued.

"I may looked young, But I'm pretty mature, you know!" I kinda growled.

"Could you please just listen to me?!" Alucard raised his voice, kinda pissed.

"WHPAKK!" Granger smacked him.

"Ouch!" Alucard rubbed his head. "What was that for?!" Alucard asked.

"Be gentle, it's a child you're talking to." Granger had a dead expression. His face is always emotionless.

"Let me talk to him." Granger said.

Granger stood up and walked closer to me. He slowly hugged me. His hug feels better than Alucard's. He is a great hugger, I don't get why he is still  single. Maybe because he doesn't show much emotion?

"Warm, isn't it? You'll get more of these hugs if you just obey. Plus, it's kinda rude to disrespect your big brother." Granger said.

"U-uhm.. Yeah. Okay, I'm sorry..." I apologized.

Alucard seems happy. "That's better to hear." Granger back out the hug, and got back to his seat, emotionless.

"But where am I going to live?" I asked.

"Oh! Don't worry. One kind marksman gladly accepts you and will be okay to stay at their house for a couple of days." Tigreal answered.

"Oh okay! Where is the place though?" I continued.

"Here." Fanny said as she gave me an 'Arrival' spell. "Use this customized arrival spell, and it will directly teleport you to the place." She explained.

"Oh. Thank you!" I received the spell.

"I guess I'll be going now. Goodbye, you all. I hope for you all safety!"

"Bye, Harith." Alucard said.

Granger just waved goodbye.

I used the spell, and I arrived in front of someone's house.

I got nervous for a second. I knocked on the door.

I heard a woman's voice. "Hey, could you open the door? I'm kinda busy."

"Sure." I heard another voice.

I gulped as the door gently opened.

"Hi! I was here for the...." I stopped talking when I saw the person who opened the door.


"Harith? What are you doing here?" Harley asked.

"Oh.. Uhm.. Tigreal sent me here... And uh.. It was hard to explain." I rubbed the back of my head.

"Who is that, Harley?" The woman voice asked, coming from upstairs.

"It's Harith, sis." Harley said.

"Harith? Oh right!" The woman said as she walked downstairs and approached the both of us.

"I accepted Harith to stay here because his brothers are busy and unavailable." The woman continued.

"That's right." I said.

"Ohhhh.. S-Sure, why not. As long as we doesn't annoy me everyday, I'll be fine with it." Harley said, crossing arms.

"Phfft.. I won't." I replied.

"Good." Harley said.

"Ahaha... Sorry, My little brother just acts like this normally. Don't be surprised if he acted a bit prideful." The woman said.

"Don't worry, Ma'am. I already know that. Phfft.. I think it's kinda cute." I replied. Wait...what did I just say...

"C-Cute?! No way! What's so cute about thatttt-" Harley stammered.

"Nevermind!" I quickly said.

"Oh! You two already met?" The woman asked.

"Yeah, sis." Harley amswered.

"Oh! then you probably didn't know me. I'm Lesley, big sister of Harley."

"Oh, Nice to meet you. I thank you very much as well for your kindness, letting me stay here." I said.

"Haha.. No problem. Well, come in and make yourself feel like home." Lesley said as she opened the door wide open.

Harley sat down the couch.

"Thank you, Miss Lesley." I said as I sat down the couch as well.

"Oh, I forgot! We don't have enough bedrooms so you two will be sleeping together." Lesley said.

"wait.. WHAT?!" Both of us said at the same time. Seems like we are both shocked and can't process what's happening right now.

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