Chapter 8: Harley's Room?

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~Author's Note~

"Alright. I got some explaining to do before you read the chapter. I'm really sorry I had been gone for so long. The reason for that is I broke my phone, and my parents can't afford to buy one because they're already struggling with bills and needs. I started saving money just so I can buy a new phone and so I did now! I have one and I can finally continue my story. Huge apologies. Really really sorry."


*Harith's POV*

Dammit. Out of all the people I'll share a bed with, It has to be this moron?

I didn't complain because that would be so rude, so I just nodded and agreed even if it's against my will.

"Sis!! My bed ain't that big! And if I share a bed with him, it would be an even tighter space for me!" Harley complained.

Ms. Lesley rubbed her head. "So you'll let your friend sleep on the floor?" She asked.

"W-well... N-no. I don't want them to feel uncomfortable..." Harley said as he seemed hesitant to say that.

"Now that's the spirit! You'll be sharing a bed then and that's final. Besides, you'll have a friend with you, you won't be scared alone in the dark anymore." Lesley seems joking.

"phfft..." I slightly laughed but used my hands to cover my mouth. This idiot is afraid of the dark? I thought he's brave? I guess not. Hehe.

"H-hey!! Sis! Don't say that in front of someone! T-this is why I don't like going in this living room when there's guest. You always say something humiliating." Harley slightly turned red on his face. Embarrassed much? That's kinda cute, not even lying right now.

I just chuckled slightly. Harley then looked at me with a slightly flustered look. "H-heey! What are you laughing at?" the embarrassed Harley complained.

"me? Laughing? Phfft... N-no, I'm not." I denied while trying to hold my slight laughter.

"You better not be!" Harley replied.

"Alright, alright. Stop it, you two." Lesley stopped both of us. "Why don't you show Harith your room? It's getting late."

"Hmph. Okay... Follow me, Dum dum." Harley insulted as he lead the way to his room upstairs. This idiot really calling me that? This day kept getting annoying.

"Wha-? Look who's talkin'! You're the Dum dum!" I insulted back as I followed him.

Harley lead me to a door, that has a sticker on it that says "Cool and Magical" and a piece of paper taped to the door that says "Keep Out Please". This idiot giving efforts to room decor? Now I feel bad about my room. It's plain and basic, and too much clothing lying around. I'm too lazy to pick 'em up and clean it.

"Here. I usually don't let other people here because they might ruin my room's perfection just like how perfect I am, but I'm trusting you." Harley said. His ego again, too much pride.

I slightly laughed because of what he said. "Alrighty then, Mr. Perfect." I tried to play along. I'm trying to avoid arguments with him today, hopefully it works.

"Ahuh! Ya better call me that!" Harley happily opened the door and let me in.

Woah! This room is cool! I gotta admit. The bed is small, just like how Harley said, but it looks like a fluffy cloud! There's some hanging bright gliterry stars from the ceiling and it looks like a night sky. His room's wall are a shade of black, dark blue, dark purple and such. He also have a room table with decorated soft cloudy-like edges. On the table, there's a collection of cards and his magic trick props. There's also a planet saturn figurine on it.

I was stunned there, amazed. It's so galactic! The room being dark makes the stars look like it shines brighter.

Harley looked at me with a confused look. "hello? You aren't moving for like a minute. Did you have a stroke?" He asked.

"n-no. I just really find your room beautiful. It is perfection, huh? I thought it was going to be a crappy room and you just called it perfection but I guess I underestimated you." I complimented with slight insult.

"phfft! See! Told ya! It took me a year or more to get this perfect! It's my dream room! I always wanted to sleep as if I'm floating on the clouds, with the starry night sky." Harley slightly chuckled.

"Hehe.. That sounds like an amazing feeling! I'm just surprised you'll be scared alone in a room like this! I would feel very calm and safe sleeping on this." I replied.

"oh.. I was scared sleeping alone when this room wasn't even completely decorated yet." He said.

"That makes sense." I replied.

"oh! By the way, Look!" Harley flipped a switch and a moon in the middle of the ceiling glows up. "Now it's a complete night sky." Harley seems very confident showing off his room.

"Dang, that's so pretty! Geez, I feel bad sleeping here now. It's supposed to be a room only you should use." I said.

"Phfft- dum dum, it's okay. I might be shocked about it earlier but I-I'm kinda glad you'll be sleepin' with me." Harley said.

"aww.." I started chuckling. That's so nice of him to say.

"Errr.. I didn't mean that in a-any weird way, o-okay?" Harley started getting flustered again, as he settled down his magic hat on his room table.

"phfft- okay, okay." I laughed.

"Hey! Not funny! I'll hang you up with the stars if you don't stop." Harley crossed his arms as he threatened me.

"Okay, okay! I'll stop! Why you gotta be so bossy." I complained jokingly.

"E-eh? Hmph. Just shut up and sleep, dum dum." Harley laid down on the bed on one side, facing the way opposite of my side of the bed, as he put a blanket on top of him.

"Fine then." I laid down on the other side. We're both facing the opposite directions so we can't see each other. I pulled half of the blanket from Harley so that I could have some of it covering me.

"Hey! This is my blanky!" Harley pulled back the blanket all for him.

"Sharing is caring, dude!" I pulled half back to myself.

"Do I look like I wanna care about a dummy?" Harley argued as he pulled it all back again. This selfish idiot won't stop.

"You have to treat your guests nicely! And besides, I'm getting cold." I pulled half of it again.

"I don't care! Go freeze, dum dum." Harley pulled it all back.

"Ugh! Fine! If you won't let me have some, then I'll-" I cut off my sentence and then hugged him from behind. Now he will have the blanket and I won't be cold. A win-win situation. Although, he felt warm and nice. Ack- that sounded weird.

"e-eee?!- can you not?" Harley's face slightly glowed red.

"Nuhuh! I'll stay like this, you stubborn dummy. This is punishment." I hugged gently. "Besides.. Hehe.. You aren't trying to escape, so I think you're enjoying this." I chuckled. Not gonna lie, I like this as well. Even my tail started wagging happily.

"eh?! No! Shush! I'm just t-trying to s-sleep so I ain't struggling!" Harley stuttered. I know that's a lie. If he doesn't like this, I'm sure he would have tried to hurt me in some way.

"Kept denying still? How adorable." I chuckled.

"eeee!! I said shusshh! Be quiet and sleep or I'll kick you out if I heard one more thing about this..." The grumpy bossy Harley commanded.

"Alright, alright. I'll sleep." I hugged tighter and tried to sleep nicely.

From Rivals To Lovers | Harley X Harith ( HariHar / HarHar)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora