Chapter 2: Harith

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*Harith's POV*

"We're glad to have you here!"
"Welcome to the Land Of Dawn!"
"New hero, Welcome!"
They all said, welcoming me.

I know this stuff is needed, b-but this attention is just too much, I reaally want to get away from the crowd right now.

I have to do something!

I fake yawned. "Uhm.. T-Thank you.. Hehehe.. But I'm... r-really tired. I-It's good to meet ya'll. Uhm.. Bye!" I rushed away from the crowd.

Seems like they all understand and started leave me alone. Phew.

"Finally..." I started to walk calmly.

After a few seconds, I heard something. "zzraak!" A sound coming from a tree nearby.

I look at the tree and there's two person up there.

"Ugh.." I grunt a bit, as I quickly rush my way before I ended up with crowds again.

After walking for minutes, I suddenly heard a sound on the bush nearby.

"Who's there?" I called on whoever is in the bushes.

I saw them get out of the bush. The two person again, They are the ones who are on the tree earlier. Eee-- creeps.

"Why are you two following me?" I asked, confused.

"Hehe... We just want to talk to you, newcomer!" The girl said. She has pink hair, Pink clothes, racoon-like ears, racoon-like tail and she seems cheerful.

"Eh?..." I asked. Geez, Why do I feel being treated special?

I just noticed the other one. He is a guy with a yellow curly hair, has Magician outfit, cards on his sleeves and also a magic wand on his hand.

"I guess... S-Sure? Just make it quick. I got a lot of packing to do." I said. Well, I'll try to make a first impression in this Land Of Dawn.

"Yay!" The girl cheered.

"Great! What's your name?" The magician guy asked.

"The name's Harith." I said.

Suddenly, The guy whispers to the girl but I can still hear it. "See, He is not Molino." He seems joking.

"Hey! C-Can you just forget about that!" The girl argues.

"Pppffft-! I can't! Hehe" The guy laughed.

This is awkward. S-Should I leave? I don't think I'm still going on with the conversation, But still, they are pretty fun to watch.

The girl looks at me"Oh Oops! How rude of me. My name is Nana. Nice to meet you!" She offers a handshake.

I accepted the handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you too." I smiled.

Nana seems to blush. E-Eh?!

I awkwardly remove the hand from the handshake and try to change the flow. "How about you, What's your name?" I asked the guy.

"Oh, Me? Hehe..." He laughs softly. "I'm the greatest mage of all time! The Best for The Land of Dawn! The Best at Being A Mage! And the Best at being Handsome! I'm Harley!" He proudly said.

Wow, This guy has... a lot of self confidence.

"Uhmm.. Okay? Nice to meet you then." I said.

Harley seems confused and look at me. "Aren't you impressed?!"

W-What?! How Am I gonna be impressed?! You didn't show me some skills to prove that you're the best mage! What am I supposed to be impressed to? Your big ego?

I rubbed the back of my head. I really wanted to argue with him. Pretty offensive, considering I'm a mage too.

But still, I didn't argue, I decided to just answered in a polite way, since It's the first time I meet them. "W-Well, I d-don't know If I should be impressed or I should be judging that. It was nice meeting you though."

Harley smirks and says, "Oh, I see... You aren't convinced of what I just said. I understand. Tomorrow, There's gonna be a match in the battlefield, and there I can show you my magic skills! And you'll see I'm telling the truth!"

"Harley! Don't be too boastful." Nana said. "He's new here. Of course, he wouldn't know if you're good or not." Nana explained more.

Wow. Nana seems to understand me.

"Yeahh." I agreed.

"...And that's why I'll show you my skills tomorrow! You should watch my match! Don't miss it, I want to see you in the crowd watching my mage talent!" Harley spoked, with pride.

"I'll try to watch it then.. But in one condition." I smirked.

Nana looked at me. "Huh?"

"E-Eh?! What is it?" Harley said.

"After I watched your match, You need to watch mine. Maybe you'll see that the newcomer here will be the new best mage too." I grinned. I had too much of his pride, So... I fight back with my pride. Like some people say, 'Fight Fire with Fire'.

Harley seems insulted and moves closer to me. "Oh it's on! I'll show you that You won't be the best mage!" He argued.

"Oh, I will be!" I said.

"You won't be!" He answered.

"I will!" I continued.

"You won't!" Harley replied.

"I will!" I said.

"You won't" He continued.

"I will!" I respond.

"You won't!" He answered.

"I will, Infinity! Hah!" I said.

"You won't, Infinity + 1! Hah!" He responded.

After that, Both of us stared at each other intensely, with an annoyed look.

Nana breaks the tension. "Uhm... I think You two should rest. It's not great to become rivals in the first meeting..."

"Fine." I said, as I crossed my arms.

"Not fine with me!" Harley argues. Oh fudge, just stop.

"I'm not done with y--" Harley was interrupted by Nana pulling him away.

"That's enough, Harley." Nana said.

"I-I'm not done with hiiiimmm!" Harley said.

Finally, They are gone. Thanks to Nana, I won't have to deal with that stupid magician with a longer time.

"This Land of Dawn has some crazy people-" I muttered.

I started to continue walking home, then I remembered Harley. "That guy... seems... Interesting."

What am I thinking, I should hurry up! I got a lot more packing to do.


~Author's Note~

Thanks for reading! This chapter is late because I got a lot of work and projects to do a few days ago. I hope you still like it. Thank you again!

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