Snapmaps great idea...

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(Sapnap's P.O.V.)

We all stay very silent as we wait for Bad to wake up, but like, he doesn't.
So Skeppy starts crying again, and I suddenly get a very brilliant idea!
"Omg Skeppy, don't worry. I have an amazing very super smart idea" I say to him. He looks at me with tears on his beautiful face—what?

"Are you actually serious?" He asks. Lol, what does he think I am, STUPID??
"Yes. I am totally serious, Skeppy."

Dream takes his camera out again.
"Uhh.. Maybe try to kiss him again?"

We both glare at Dream.
"Ugh Dream you are such a fujoshi!" I yell.
Dream sadly puts his camera away, looking down.
"Well anyways, I'm gonna go get something for my amazing idea. So stay here!" I say and then take off super fast. I am almost as fast as sonic, literally

(Dream's P.O.V.)

Sapnappy runs away all of a sudden, and I get very confused.
Then I look at George who I completely forgot about and remember that he passed out. Lol
"Is george dead?" Skeppy asks.
I walk up to George who is laying on the ground and shrug.
"Idk. I think he just passed out because he is a pussy"

Then me and Skeppy both start laughing.
"George you're such an idiot!" I wheeze.
"He passed out! What a LOSER!" Skeppy also laughs very loud.

Then I see George slowly open his eyes and I quickly cover my mouth but it's still hard not to laugh
"Huh? Where am I...?" He asks, and Skeppy also stops laughing.
"George this is literally YOUR house." I reply, and he stands up.

"Oh, yeah. Well why was I—"
Then George looks at Bad again and screams SUPER DUPER loud. I punch him in the nuts because again I don't want anyone to hear us.
So he falls to the ground again

Skeppy gasps.
"Dream, Sapnap said George KILLED him by doing that!! What if you killed George??" He asks very concerned.
I then get rlly scared and fall to my knees, giving George CPR.
"Wake up George! I didn't mean to punch you in your nut sack!" I cry, even though I definitely meant to do it

"There's only one way Dream.." Skeppy whispers in my ear. What the hell how did he get right behind me!
Then, he pulls out his own camera, smirking.
"You must kiss George"

I kiss George right away and then wait for him to wake up.
I look at Skeppy, who is making a cringing face.
"Well this is awkward," He says. I start sobbing and hug Georgies body.

Skeppy puts his hand on my back.
"It's okay. Bad didn't wake up either, so I guess we're both lonely."
I sob even louder at this, and shake George violently to get him to wake up.

I then remember what Sapnap said earlier!
He said that he woke up when George kissed him, so they must be true lovers!!
I'll just wait for Sapnap to get back, and he can revive Georgie!

I stop crying and stand up, smiling at Skeppy.
"I'm alright now. Sapnap can save George, I just remembered"
Skeppy looks at Bads body again and sighs
"I hope he can save Bad too. Who else am I gonna troll?"

(Sapnap's P.O.V.)

Once I get to the grocery store I dash inside and go to the muffin isle. Yes, there is a muffin isle.
I grab one large, shiny, beautiful muffin. This has outta work!
I put the giant muffin in my cart and then run to check out.

The worker lady gives me a weird look
"You gonna eat all that?" She asks. I gasp, very offended.
"Are you calling me FAT??"
She face palms.
"I literally never said that. Anyways, that'll be 5,000 dollars."

I smile and pull out some shmoney.
She takes it, nodding.
"Huh. Didn't think you'd actually have that much,"
I cross my arms and smirk
"Well, I am a rich boy and all..."

So then she gives me my receipt and I run out with the large and gorgeous muffin in my hands.
"Do not fear, Badboyhalo! I am coming with your true love!!" I scream while naruto running back to George's house.

Just friends? // George x Dream x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now