More than friends...

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(Sapnap's P.O.V.)

I stay laying facedown on my bed, blushing even more than an embarrassed anime girl.

I'm such an idiot! Dream probably hates me!

I sigh lowly, still just laying facedown. Just then, my phone rings very loudly, and I scream as I get jump scared.
I grab the phone to see just who is calling me.

💕Dreamy Poo💕

I  blush even MORE once I see that name on the screen. But I know I cannot decline, so I slowly click the answer button.
I hold my breath and wait for him to probably say he doesn't like me like that.

But to my surprise...

"Sappy, d-don't be embarrassed. I ... um, I like you too!"

My eyes widen and I feel butterflies in my stomach. Dreamy poo likes me??
This is the best day EVER!
I smile widely and giggle a little bit to be cute for Dreamy-Chan.

"A-And I like you more than friends." He adds, my smile growing wider. I swear to god, I'm going to die of a heart attack.
Not just because of Dream but also because recently I've been having major heart burn but we don't talk about that.

"More than friends? Wow, me too Dream!"
I hear him sigh in relief, and I chuckle.
"But, what will George think of this?" He asks suddenly, which makes me frown.

"Who cares what George thinks? He's a loser. And if he's unsupportive that we're homos, he can piss off!" I snap back, actually getting sort of mad lol.
"Yeah. I guess you're right.." Dream starts to sound a little bit sad, so this makes me sad too. I hate when Dreamy poo is sad.
"Well, we can tell Georgie tomorrow. He'll probably be a little asshole about it but we have to tell him."
Dream agrees with me and we talk for a little while longer, until I get really tired and actually pass out.

(Dreams P.O.V.)

As I'm talking I suddenly hear Sapnap snoring and I wheeze extremely loud on accident. Luckily he doesn't wake up though.
"Sweet dreams, my Sappy nappy..." I say in a kind of creepy voice that I didn't do on purpose. Oh well, he didn't hear me anyways lol.
Then I hang up, and something inside me feels a bit off.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, thinking about Georgie.
What will he say? Will he hate me—hate US?
No! No way, what am I thinking?
...Whatveer. Like Sapnap said, George can piss off if he doesn't support us and our gay relationship.

Then I get tired and lay down, thinking about all the dates me and Sapnappy could go on.
We could go to Minecon. Awww that's such a cute date idea! Or we could go to Walmart hehe. He would love that I bet.

Eventually I close my eyes and fall asleep, imagining sappy cuddling with me warm.
It's not creepy I swear

(The next day...)

I wake up by my phone ringing, and I hope it's Sapnap calling me, but when I pick up my phone...
Ugh, it's George. I'm gonna have to tell him!

I sigh and answer it.
"Hi Dreeeaaaam!" He says very annoyingly but again I don't really care haha.
"what." I ask.
"Do you wanna play Minecraft? I'm so lonely, pleeeeaaase!" He whines, and I sigh again. Georgie, you're so dumb..
"George-Chan, we played Minecraft yesterday. No."

"what the hell did you just call me"
"Uhhh...." I blush a little bit which confuses the shit nuggets out of me. Why is GEORGE of all people making me blush? And WHY did I call him George-Chan?? I am dating Sapnap now !

"Okay well whateva. I'll just play by myself."
"N-No wait! George I have to tell you something." My heart beats faster and I get nervous. I hope he isn't homophobic.
"God, what.." He groans, and I take a deep breath.
"Me... Me and Sapnap are a thing now, so... yeah."

it is silent for a while which just makes me even more nervous.
"oh my gOD!" He suddenly says in a stupid voice
"Please don't hate me or him. We are just gay lovers now, get used to it."
"wHoT?!" He asks in his British voice. I chuckle a little because he sounds pretty dumb.
"George, if you're homophobic then don't even talk to me. Honestly haha."
"I'm not! Wait, are you pranking me!"

Ugh, George is so stupid!

"No, I'm not. It's actually true, we're now gay lovers." I reply, getting kind of annoyed at him.
"Great, now I'm third wheel!" He whines.

I blush a little.

God dammit, stop blushing! I am loyal to Sappy! And George is a loser!

"Yeah well I guess you are kind of. But you've always been so get over it Georgie." I wheeze.
"DrEEaAAmMmM!!" He whines again, even more annoying.
"ok well bye now loser. Me and Sappy are probably going to go on a date or something"
"uGh! Fine!" He hangs up, and I chuckle.

Maybe George is a little jaelous perhapsmmm.....

Just friends? // George x Dream x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now