A turn of events...

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(Dreams P.O.V.)

I turn around to see Georgie naruto running up to us. Sapnap tugs on my arm.
"Cmon, Dreamy poo lets get out of here!"
I sigh and yank my arm away from Sapnap.
"No... I want to hear what he has to say."
"Dream—!" Sapnap looks sad and angry at the same time, but I don't really care
Once George runs up to us I expect him to say something, but he slaps Sapnap in the face instead. It's kinda funny but I shouldn't laugh.

"Ow!!" Sapnap lifts his arm because he is about to smack George back, but I hold him away.
"No, don't! Please stop beating each other up!"
Then George looks at me with tears in his eyeballs.
"Dream, he kicked me in my dingaling!" George cries, and Sapnap spits on him.
"Yeah! Because you deserved it"

I honestly try to hold back my laughter because this whole thing is so funny.
Wait, what am I thinking?? It isn't funny!

"Guys... Please, let's just try to work things out!" I yell, and Sapnap looks down.
"I'm sorry Dream Chan, I'll stop.." He says very cute.
"Well, I'm not—!" George gets cut off...

"OH MY JESUS FUCK!" I scream, and Sapnap gasps loudly.

George got hit by a car!!

I run up to George's lifeless body, and fall to my knees.
"NOOOO!!! GEORGE, PLEEEASE!!" I cry very loudly.
Sapnap runs over to us, and places a hand on my shoulder.
"D-Dream... he's dead.."

Sapnap sighs and pulls his phone out, handing it to me.
"There, you can call but... I think George is definitely dead."
I quickly call up an ambulance and they arrive about 3 seconds after.

When they arrive they run over to George and pick him up, taking him into the ambulance.
I sob loudly and curl up into a ball.

This is all my fault! If I hadn't have fricked with George none of this would've happened!

Sapnap sits down next to me, rubbing my back.
"It's okay Dream. He will be missed."
I keep crying and barely even listen to Sapnap
Not like he even cares about Georgie!

(A few days pass...)

So a few days pass and I still haven't heard anything about how George is doing.
So I start to believe... maybe he's actually dead?
N-NO! It can't be true!

But then... I get a call from the hospital. I quickly answer it, breathing heavily.
"Hello, is this Dream?" The lady on the phone asks me. I tear up.
"Yes! I am Dream.."
"Well, we have some good news and some bad news for you."

I almost start crying very loudly but I hold it in.

"Your friend George is alive, but he's going to be handicapped for the rest of his life"
I cry tears of happiness at that moment.
OMG George is actually alive!!!
I then hang up the call and naruto run all the way to the hospital because I don't even have a car as you may have noticed

I burst the door down and run inside.
"GEORGE, IM HERE FOR YOU GEORGE!" I scream and everyone in the hospital glares at me.
A worker person comes up to me.
"Are you here to see George?" He asks. I nod very quickly and my neck cracks a little.
"Follow me,"

I follow the guy to one of the rooms, and I kick the door down.
I see George on the hospital bed.
"OH MY GOD GEORGE! YOURE ACTUALLY ALIVE!!" I skip over to him with a big smile on my face. He looks confused a lil bit.
"Dream..? Is it you..?"
I get a good look at him, and my smile fades.
Yikes he looks like shit...

"Y-Yes, it's me! You were hit by a HUGE car!!"
George sniffles and a wet tear rolls down his cheek.
"Is Sapnap here...? Can I talk to him?"
I frown at this. What the HELL why does he want to see Sapnap more than me!!
"No, he doesn't even care that much... but—but it's okay because I'm here!"

George then starts crying and I feel really bad but at the same time George is kind of an idiot.
"Dream the people told me that I might die in a few days so like, I want to see Sapnap before I do and make it up to him"

I tear up at what George says. Oh maybe he's not such an idiot...
"Don't worry, Georgie. I'll call him right now ok?"
George smiles at me and nods.
So I call Sapnap...

"Hello? Sapnappy, you NEED to come to the hospital right now! George wants to see you because he might actually die in a few days."
Sapnap gasps.
"Wait— He isn't dead?!"
"No, it's a miracle! He survived somehow"

"Umm... okay, well I'll be there in a few minutes."
I hang up the phone and smile at George.
"He's gonna be here soon so don't even worry"
George smiles wider.
"And... just try not to die before he does ok?"
"Yeah I'll try" He replies.

Just friends? // George x Dream x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now