A true loves kiss...?

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(George's P.O.V.)

I frown and throw my phone at my wall with all my strength.
Great, now I'm even MORE of a third wheel!
Crossing my arms, I pout my lip out.

Dream and Sapnap... are a thing now, huh?

"uUuUgHhH..." I groan, and plop myself onto my bed.
Just then I hear a loud annoying knock at my door, and I naruto run to open it.
After I fling the door open I frown at who I am greeted by.

"Sapnap..." I growl, and he glares.
"Dream already told you, huh?"
I cross my arms.
"How would you know?"
Sapnap smirks and chuckles evilly, to which I make a disgusted look.
"Because Dreamy tells me everyyythingg!"

I stick my tongue out at him and I can see him blush suddenly.

What the hell?

"G-George! Don't do that!" He yells at me, and I get super confused.
"Why the hell not? Maybe get out of my house." I reply in a sassy tone hehe!
"I'm not in your house,"
"Shut oP!" I say before slamming the door in his face.

Stupid Sapnap! And why did he blush!?
What's going on here...

Then, suddenly, he kicks my WHOLE door down. What the hell!

"sApNaPpP!!!" I scream, and he just chuckles.
"Your fault, Georgie~ I'm not done talking to you." He says and just walks into my house.
I frown and punch him in the balls, to which he groans VERY loudly. I laugh at him.
"You're such and iDiOt~" I giggle, and he keeps whining in pain.

"MY BALLSSSS!!" He screams, and I keep giggling. Silly Sapnap!
"Maybe shouldn't kick my door down,"
He rolls his eyes and then glares at me.

His glare is kind of scary but I don't really care hehe!
"What do you want to talk to me about then, if it's important enough to kick my whole door down??"
He smiles.
"About that. I just wanted to tell you— don't get in the way of me and Dream. Got it, kiddo?"

Ew. Kiddo?

I gag. Like I'd ever like thEM.
"Yeah, I wasn't planning on it! Plus, you and Dream are idiots I don't want to date either of you."
Sapnap just smiles wider.
"Good! Me and Dreamy poo are lovers forever!! Hehehe!" He giggles sort of cute.
Wait WHAT am I saying?!

"G-Get out of my house now!" I yell, trying to hide my blushed face. What's wrong with me??
"George. You should support Dream and I if you know what's good for you. I could kill you in one slap." He gives me that scary glare again.

"Ooh nooo!!! Sapnap is going to kill mee!!" I mock, acting scared.
"I'm serious George, Dream and I have talked about murdering you. lol"

I go silent and stare at him.

.... what the the hell?

He laughs and begins to walk around in my house. I follow him very confused.
"What are you looking around for? Get out now."
He doesn't listen. God he's annoying!
"Sapnap!" I yell again to get his attention, and he turns around, immediately pinning me to the wall.

My face turns redder than a pear!
"WhOt are you dOinGg!!" I whine, but his grip is firm so I'm not even gonna try to get away.
"Hehe George, you're like an anime girl!" He giggles, and I squint at him, suspicious.

"Heyyy.... didn't you tell ME earlier not to get in between you and Dream? Now you're being gay with me!?"

Sapnap ignores my question, and stares at my face.

He's kinda ugly up close...

"Just don't tell my Dreamy-poo about this. I've always wanted to see what it feels like to kiss you tho."
I scream loudly.
"AAA! WHOT!!!???"
He finally lets me go, covering his ears.
"George why the FUCK are you so loud!"

he looks down and looks kind of sad.
"W-Well it's not because I like you... I actually sort of hate you. But Dream says he doesn't wanna kiss until after marriage... so...."

I run up to Sapnap and punch him in the balls again. He collapses to the floor.
Oh no! Did I kill him!?

I gasp and drop to my knees, holding Sapnaps seemingly lifeless body.
My eyes fill with tears.
Wh-Why... Why do I feel bad?!

"Sapnap..." I wince.
He doesn't respond, so I assume he's dead.

"No! Sapnap! I'm sorry—I'll kiss you okay?!"

Again, he doesn't respond.
He's uh... definitely dead.

Maybe a true loves kiss....

"AH GEORGE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He screams, jump scaring me a bit.
I pull away from the kiss and smile.
"So it's true! The true loves kiss is actually true!!"
He stares at me, blushing.
"No way— you aren't my true love! My true love is Dream!"

I smirk, still holding him in my arms.
"Then why did you come back to life when I kissed you? HmmMmMmM~~?" I giggle a bit.
"No way..." he mumbles, looking shocked af.
Then he pushes me away, covering his red face.
"George it cant be true! You can't be my true love!!"

I frown and shrug.
"You might as well just break up with Dream already. It's confirmed."

Wait... what on EARTH am I saying?!
I don't wanna date SAPNAP!!

He blushes even more and stares at me like an anime girl.
"G-George-Chan.... I thought I hated you but, I guess..."

I smile a little and blush cute.
"...I guess I'm your true love." I finish his sentence for him.

...what's wrong with me? Why cont I STOP!

Just friends? // George x Dream x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now