An unexpected guest...

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(Sapnap's P.O.V.)

I walk out of my house, looking like a baddie. Why, you may ask? Well... I'm going to Dream's house today! That's right.
I smirk to myself.
Dream's totally gonna fall for me all over again. I know he can't resist!

So I walk all the way over to his house, and once I get there I open the door quickly without even knocking.
And... I'm shocked at what I see.

"What the FUCK DREAM! WHAT THE FUCK!!" I scream, raging my ass off.
Dream and George were actually fricking!!! On his stupid couch!!
"Oh my gOd!" George shrieks. I run over to them and kick George in the wiener.
"George YOU SLUT!" I scream, and Dream starts crying.
"Sapnap pleEEASE!" DrEam cries, but I don't even care. I just wanna beat George tf up!

George groans and falls off the couch, a loud thud as he hits the ground. I laugh at this and continue kicking him.
But then, Dream grabs me and yeets me across the room.
I scream loudly and I hit my head on his wall. I swear I almost get a concussion!

"Don't HURT Georgie!" He yells. I tear up and look at Dream.
"Dr-Dream...! I thought you LOVED me!"
Dream frowns at me.
"You did the SAME THING WITH GEORGE!!! THIS IS HOW I FELT SAPNAP! THIS IS HOW I FELTTTTT" He yells at me and I get very scared because he sounds like a demon

George cries because of the pain that I caused to him. I sniffle and look at George.
"George, I—I hate you!!" I yell, but he doesn't even respond and he keeps crying. LOL what a little bitch
I get up and run over to him, hugging him very tight.

"Dream I'm SORRY! OKAY?? I didn't want to, but—but you left me no choice!!"
I expect him to yeet me away again but he doesn't. So I hug him even tighter
"I know—I said that I wouldnt frick ANYBODY until I marry them, but... but George can get it.."

My eyes widen at what he says. OMG THATS WHAT I SAID!!
"I still love you Dreamy-poo! I came over to tell you how much I still cared!!"
He hugs me back and sniffles.
"I love you too, Sappy boy... I swear,"

As me and Dream are having our moment, I hear George cry louder. Ugh, shut up you twink...
"StOp! DreAm, hElp me!" George sobs, and I laugh a little.
"Just ignore him..." I whisper to Dream.
"Yeah I know. What a pussy."

Then I pull away from the hug to look Dream in the eyeballs.
"Wanna ditch this little asshole?" I ask, and Dream smiles.
"Yeah, why not."
We hold hands, and skip out the door. George screams from inside.

We ignore him and chuckle.
But as we're skipping down the street, I realize...

"Dream, you're NAKED!" I scream.
His face turns actually pure red.
"Oh,, dAMMIT!!" He sounds very pissed off.
I sigh and shrug.
"Well it's okay. Plus it's turning me on a little bit so why does it even matter"
Dream laughs and kisses my cheeky weeky.
"Sapnappy, I still love you you know"
"I know and ily too."

We smile at each other, but then I see a strange figure Naruto running up to us.

...God dammit, is that George!!?

Just friends? // George x Dream x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now