23 Perfect

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(Normal Timeline)

   "Is everything set at your end?" Sakura asked. "All set." Kimi replied.

   "Ok now all of you into your hiding spots, he'll be here soon." Everyone present started hoping into their various hiding spots. Then Shizuka put off all the lights Making the room pitch black.

  Sasuke was on his way to Sakura's place. She had asked him to come over urgently. He couldn't decline because she sounded worried. But then again they've all been acting weird lately as though they were plotting something behind his back. He was determined to find out what it was.

   When he got to Sakura's house he knocked but no one answered he tried two more times, but still no answer. Then he tried to open the door surprisingly it wasn't even locked. He walked into the house only to be greeted by darkness. As soon as he was fully inside all the lights popped on and several kind of glitter splashed all over him.

they all chorused at the same time.

  Sasuke was dumbfounded. He had no idea what to say. Everyone was here, everyone he considered family, His Aunt, Dad, Naruto, Yukio and Yumei, Sakura, Kimi, and Miku. He tried as much as possible to hold back the tears. These people, his family they cared so much.

  "Thank you, Thank you for this." One tear managed to slip out followed by another. Soon he was enveloped in a large hug. It was warm, being surrounded by people who love you. They stayed there for a few minutes till Sasuke had calmed down and put up a smile.

   "Enough of the gloominess, let's party!!!" Sakura yelled causing everybody present to laugh.
  "I never knew you were that loud." Sasuke said teasing her.
  "I never knew you were a crybaby." Sakura stuck her tongue out at him.
   "Ooh buuurn." Kimi added

  Sasuke stuck his middle finger up at Sakura.

   "Double buuurn!!!"

Some minutes later Sasuke was dragged away by shizuka. She needed him to cut the cake.

   Sasuke looked around the place seeing everyone laughing and smiling, briming with happiness.

  "It's all Perfect now."

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