Just the beginning

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I begin to hear a voice speak of heaven and hell, and kill me. I don't understand, it sounds like the devil talking. Okay, I really have to ask him if his name is stupid. I can't call him the devil all the time. He's still talking. I go closer to him, but he doesn't talk. Then why do I hear him? After all, I can't exactly hear people's thoughts. Wait a minute, what is this? (food food) what's that voice? There a squirrel a bit away in the woods over there. I can hear him! So cool, but it means that what I heard was the devil. And that means everything he said inside his head was true, and he'll come over to me soon and tell us what to do next. But I already know that so I'll save him some time.

Okay, then I have to tell her. I think I know how now. She comes closer to me and says she knows it. I don't understand a thing and ask what she means (I know we're going to hell and get your wings.) I don't understand nothing, just be shocked. I ask how she knew it. (I read your thoughts) I also realized that she can read thoughts. But she doesn't remember anything, how does she remember to use her powers? But I do not bother to think about now, only she understands where we are going and she joins, I am happy.

When I stand by him and explain that I know what we're going for, he is just shocked. I who thought he knew everything about me. But obviously not. But what exactly does he mean to kill me?

I didn't know exactly how to kill her in a nice way. Can't you just suffocate me then? she asked. I have never in my entire life been as shocked and surprised as I am now.

I way ask. Why the hell are you going to kill me? He just answers, yes that's right, we're going to hell. I cry and ask again, why should you kill me? That's because we're going to the underworld, you won't get there unless you're dead. Yes, I have nothing else to think of when everything is frozen anyway, I think.

I find a rope and quickly take it around her neck. I hold her tight as she loses more and more breath. Until the last breath. I take the knife from my pocket and stick it in her heart.

The true story حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن