So confused

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I hear her coming behind me, she comes stressed. She asks, of course, the question I was afraid of. She asks why I am so concerned that we walk this wall. I think I must lie because she can't hear it yet. She repeats the same question again. I lose my patience. We're going this way so I want you to bring back my memories of me. I'm sorry and can't hug you and kiss you, not talk like we used to. Because we walk this road is because my stupid brother has frozen the time. So we have to find him. So STAY! All the words came out of my mouth so fast, I couldn't control it. Why the hell did I say d? I move forward quickly so she wouldn't ask any more questions.

What was that? Get the memory back? And should he be what he was talking about, the man Apollonius, the devil who has no horn and tail. Suddenly, I feel it pounding in my mind, what is it? There comes a picture of me and obviously the devil that he is. We kiss. What does that mean? No it can't mean that!

I can't believe I said it. She hopes for no panic attacks. In a way, she hopes she understands what I mean. We keep going but find nothing, no trace of my brother being here. I know it sounds weird that we're looking for the one who ruined my life, but he's the only one who can get the world back. And maybe between those times I can beat him?

No, no, no that can't mean that. But who can be so cruel? I'm going to kill that person. I can't believe it, I he, he and I. And I don't even remember it. Only small pieces.

I can't find anything, not a trace, what should we do now? The only way to find my brother is to find my wings and we can fly to heaven. Although this is the last thing I wanted, we have to get everything back to normal. But to get my wings, we have to go to hell, so this is really going to be a turn. But how do I tell her? Hi, do you remember that I said I am an old friend, yes now I am going to kill you, but it is going well because we are just going to hell! No, I can't say that. But how can I say that? This is going to be more difficult than I thought.

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