Rescuing Adora

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                          Part 1 of 3

Catra stared out the window in the War Room, as Queen Glimmer and Mermista argued about how to save Adora.
"We should do a stealth rescue!" Glimmer yelled at Mermista.
"No! We attack them right when we get there!" She screamed.
"If we do, we might not make it back with Adora!" The Queen screamed back.
Frosta groaned, "Can we all just stop arguing? A princess needs saving!"
That made everyone go quiet.
Catra walked over back to the group and sat down.
"We will do Sparkle's plan. Seems more reasonable." Catra replied.
Mermista seemed offended, but said nothing.
"Then it's settled, we'll do a stealth mission at midnight." Bow said.


The Rebellion stared into the distance ontop of a hill, gazing at the Fright Zone.
It was crowded with Horde soldiers.
Entrapta grunted, surprised by all the soldiers that were there.
"Mermista, Perfuma, and Frosta, you guys keep watch while we go. Communicate with us on the pad if you need to." Queen Glimmer said and handed them a pad.
The princesses nodded.
"The rest of us, follow me." Responded and the rest followed her.
As they got closer, Glimmer quickly veered to the right, hiding behind a pile of broken bots.
"So, just follow my lead." Glimmer said quietly.
Catra felt slightly annoyed that Glimmer was acting like she was the boss of everything, but nodded along with the others.
Glimmer nodded at Bow, he arched his bow.
He shot at a Horde soldier, getting him caught inside a net.
He then shot a button opening the entrance door.
The other soldiers noticed this and came towards them.
"We can hold them off, you guys get inside and save Adora before it's to late." Scorpia said, looking at Entrapta.
Catra nodded, "Be safe."
Scorpia smiled at her. "We will. You too, wildcat."
And Scorpia and Entrapta got up, getting the attention on themselves.
Scorpia sent red electricity at the soldiers, shocking them and flinging them back.
Entrapta had been tinkering with something on her pad, and pressed a button on it.
The broken bot pile shuddered, as all the bots came to life and started to attack the soldiers.
Bow, Queen Glimmer, and Catra, ran inside to find the Princess of Power, the amazing Adora.

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