Million Men

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Ships: Parley, Winteriron 

Sex trafficving triggers: Please do not read if you are going to be triggered or mentally affected by this.

Miss Maggie was way too young to understand

Peter was very young when his parent's died in a plane crash.

Why she got thrown into someone else's hands

He had to live with his aunt.

Why she woke up to strange men

And her boyfriends.

They tore her to pieces and she couldn't comprehend

His young mind thought of them as parents.

Why she was locked up in a basement full of men

Too many people for the small boy.

Should've gone to school, instead she did them

Reaching for May's hand as she leaves the room.

Don't touch me, I'm fragile

Peter cowered in the corner during the day.

I'm bitter in my heart.

Harming himself to bear with the pain.

Mama sold me for candy.

He watched as different men came and payed May.

I was ruined from the start.

Never trusting doors or men again.

Why'd you have to sell me to those mean old men? 

In danger 95% of the time

They cut me up in places I don't even understand 

The lines across his whole body.

It's normalcy to me but how will my friends understand? 

Everyday, every week, every hour.

I'm five years old, sleeping with a million men 

Should've been in Kindergarten.

 All grown up and her body has decayed 

Too small and weak to defend himself.

All those promiscuous games she had to play 

Soon selling himself out of the basement.

Oh, she skipped the jungle, jungle gym phase 

He thought all kids did this.

She's trying to look at things in a bright way 

Smiling at the sun through the basement door.

Sees a light peekin at the end of the hallway 

The only door safe, maybe.

She's tryin', tryin', tryin' to escape 

Looking for the men, scared of the punishment if he was caught.

 I'm running full force dear 

Almost tripping on his own feet.

But it's harder when you're bones

Starved since he was 4

I'm weak-kneed, but I'm flying 

Never moved before

Out of this hell hole 

He hears sirens.

 Why'd you have to sell me to those mean old men? 

The men noticed he was gone from his spot.

They cut me up in places I don't even understand 

Seeing the shadow running down the hallway.

It's normalcy to me but how will my friends understand? 

He looks back seeing he's being chased.

I'm ten years old, running from a million men 

Scared he turned back to the door.

A million men 

May leading the men closer and closer by the second.

Finally the light is coming close 

The red and blue looking brighter and sirens louder.

No turning back, run full force 

Almost running into the door he was out.

 Angels swoop down and grab me 

"Hi, I'm Pepper."

And now I'm safe away from the million men who raised me 

He was now raised by his dads and Pepper.

Why'd you have to sell me to those mean old men? 

Still getting flashbacks when Bucky gets a little close.

They cut me up in places I don't even understand 

He knows Tony and Bucky are nice, but he still gets scared sometimes.

It's normalcy to me, how will my boyfriend understand? 

He meets Harley, cautious at first. Harley was patient.

I'm seventeen, with a history of a million men, men 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Peter flinches at first, but then smiles at his friends and family.

 A million men, a million men

Everyday getting better and better, with the many parents he has at the tower. 

That was kinda sad oop

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