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It was finally the end of the school year.

Scott, Stiles, and I were out on the field trying to just enjoy a nice day out on the field. I was just laying on the as the boys bantered about their training for Stiles to be on the first line next year. As they did, I tried to let the events that lead us all her begin to fall into place.

After what happened with Gerard, Peter had tried to make a happy family idea work. It didn't help that my mother was more than willing to help Peter get closer to me. I was not about it, which led to me basically moving into the Stilinski household. Stiles and I have become much closer, which was amazing. Lydia and I still have our girls' nights. Scott and I have had a few moments, but we are still trying to work on our communication.

As for Allison and I.

Well after everything got fixed with Gerard, I had my moment to yell at her. I was not happy about her bipolar ways. The rest of the school year that she was still at school before heading to France, I had completely cut her off from my life. I couldn't forgive her for everything she had done. She had caused so much pain not only for me but for those I love or wanted to help. I knew she was just being controlled, but she needed to open her eyes to what she allowed to happen.

Lydia was still talking to her.

She had asked me if I would ever be able to forgive her. And to be honest. I wasn't sure. I would be lying if I don't miss having her around, but then the memories of all she had done overpower all the good she had brought to me. Lydia had even tried to get me to talk to Allison when I was around with her and Allison makes a surprise call. I did, just to be nice but it was so hard to not scoff or yell at her and they all knew that.

As for Derek and Isaac, well they are around. I didn't pay them to many minds but I had started to see that something seem to be happening with them which caused me to worry. If Stiles knew I want to go visit them to just check-in, he would have a fit. As much as I love Stiles, I don't like it when we have fight seven if they are just something as small as me saying hi to a classmate of the male sex.

I just hope everything goes back to normal.

"Hey, Juliette!" I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Stiles' calling out to me, "Are you okay?"

I sat up from the grass and gave him a smile, "Yeah, just thinking."

"Do you want to throw so shots?" he offered his stick to me.

I shook my head, "I'm good, I'll just watch you guys."

"Watch and learn, babe," Stiles grinned, trying to show off.

I laughed a bit as I watched the boys.

"Now remember," Stiles called out to Scott, "No wolf powers."

Scott nodded and called out, "Got it."

"No, I mean it," Stiles threw back, "No super fast reflexes, no super eyesight, no hearing - none of that crap, okay?"

"Okay," Scott laughed, "Come on."

"You promise?" Stiles gave the bet doe eyes he can at Scott.

"Would you just take the shot already?" Scott sighed.

With that Stiles got ready. As soon as they started, Scott caught the ball, causing me to laugh and Stiles to get mad.

"I said no wolf powers!" Stiles exclaimed.

Scott and I laughed harder as we just continued to enjoy or final day of school.

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