"Can I show Revali inside?" I asked.

He nodded. "Knock yourself out." 

I smiled excitedly and yet again dragged Revali inside. 

"It's not done of course, but this is the layout of the house." I said, looking around while smiling. 

"Wow... this is a really nice house." He said, also looking around. 

"Yeah... I couldn't just let them break this place down. It's beautiful." I said. 

"Good on ya." He said, walking up the stairs and looking around up there. 

I looked at the little room under the stairs, thinking about what could be put in there. 

"How much rupees do you need to pay?" He asked me, walking down the stairs. 

"3000. I haven't had the chance to make any rupees though due to all this training." I said, sighing. 

He joined me in the little room and met my eyes. "Let's go make some rupees then." 

"We can't... we have training to do." I said. 

"That's never stopped you before." He said, smirking. 

I laughed. "How would we even do it?"

He shrugged. "I know a place." 

I looked at him intrigued. "Where's that?"

"Come on, I'll show you." He said. 

With that, we left Hateno Village and he brought me somewhere in the mountains. 

"Is this where you kill me?" I asked, jokingly.

He laughed. "Sure is." 

He brought me to this guy who was standing by a ledge and a big rock. 

"Hey! You two want to try bowling!?" The man asked, smiling cheekily. 

"This is Pondo. I used to come here and bowl with Teba. We would earn 500 rupees every time we got a strike." Revali said quietly, walking over to the man.

"Yes." Revali said, pulling out some rupees and handing them to Pondo.

Pondo smiled and handed him a giant snow ball. 

Revali handed it to me. "Give it a shot." 

I held the ball above my head and walked to the edge, looking at the giant pins I had to knock down. 

I took a deep breath and positioned myself so I was in line with the middle pin. I then threw the ball down, watching as it rolled down the hill, curving to the left side and hitting one pin.

"Dang it..." I said, pouting slightly. 

Revali smirked. "Try again."

He paid the 20 rupees and I was given another snow ball. 

I tried again and again, but I kept missing the middle pin, unable to get a strike. 

"How do you do this?!" I asked, frustrated. 

Revali chuckled. "Here, I'll show you. Watch carefully."

He paid again and grabbed another ball, positioning himself in a spot that I wouldn't have guessed would work. Then he threw the ball down, getting a strike. 

"YES! Good job, man! Here, your reward." Pondo said excitedly, handing Revali 500 rupees.

I sighed. "You make it look so easy."

"It's because it is. Come on, stand here." He said, moving from his previous spot to let me stand there. 

He paid the fee then grabbed a ball, handing it to me. 

"Turn your body slightly to the right." 

I complied. 

"Good. Now try throwing it." He said, smiling. 

I smiled back nervously and did so, watching as the ball hit directly in the middle, causing the other pins to fall down as well. 

"I did it!" I yelled, jumping up and down happily. "Thank you!"

Revali smiled and laughed happily. "Good job!"

Pondo gave me 500 rupees. 

We eventually stopped playing after gathering 2000 rupees. I'm so close to paying off the house.

Revali had brought me back to the Flight Range to train. 

It was the evening, so he decided to teach me how to use a bow in the dark. 

"Be careful, okay? This can be dangerous." He said worriedly, handing me a bow and a few arrows. 

"I will." I said softly, smiling at him. 

I then jumped off the landing deck and used my paraglider to fly up. 

"Okay, Link. Try and spot a target. This can be tricky as it's dark." Revali shouted at me. 

I did as told and looked for a target. I couldn't see one. 

"I can't see one!" I yelled, still looking for one.

I started to move myself around the big rock, trying desperately to find a target. 

"Ah! I found one!" I yelled, finally spotting one. 

"Good, now try and shoot in the center." Revali yelled.

I complied and drew out my bow and arrow, being quick as I didn't have much time before falling. I needed to draw out my paraglider before then. 

I quickly and swiftly shot the arrow straight into the center. 

"Got it!" I yelled, drawing my paraglider back out. 

"Good job! How's your stamina?" He asked. 

I was breathing heavily from the effort. "It's good."

"Okay! Now try to hit another one but be quicker." He yelled.

I searched for another and found one lower to the ground. 

"I'm gonna go lower!" I yelled, letting go of my paraglider so I fell down. 

"Link! Be careful!" He yelled worriedly.

Once in line with the target, I drew out my bow and arrow and hit the target dead on. I went to draw out my paraglider, but there was a sudden explosion above me and it stunned me, sending me straight down to the water. 

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