Chapter 3

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The days passed faster than I could comprehend. I woke up at 8:00 am cuz I have to be at work at 9:00. I quickly made breakfast and headed over to my room.

I put on a cute nude-ish pink pencil skirt, with a long sleeve white shirt with frills at the end. When I was satisfied of my appearance I decided to slip on some nude heals. My make up was quite natural with just light eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick.

 My make up was quite natural with just light eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick

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I felt really cute and decided to leave my wavy, long, and brunette hair down. I saw that It was 8:38. I decided to leave and head over to the building.

I saw the lady at the front desk again and after a minuet of small y'all I learnt that her name is Renae. She seemed like a genuinely sweet person and o loved it.

This time I automatically headed to the elevator and the room one fifth floor. I saw Charlotte sitting at her desk and she smiled. "Glad you could make it Victoria! So excited to see a new face around."

She made me feel so welcome for the first time in my life and I loved it. "Thank you". "You desk will actually be on the 9th floor since we have receptionist every 3 floors. I was slightly confused but the explanation definitely helped

"Ok no problem." I replied. "Ok great! So most people will come to you to make an appointment with the CEO or see him. Your job is kind of like an assistant since we don't have one. But you won't do paperwork. Everything will be by computer." She continues. I was so relieved I can't even explain it.

"This building is pretty busy and if you need anything there is a book with all the numbers for each person. You are to always greet people and rarely leave your desk." She gave me a look as if asking if I have any questions.

I decided to say, "Thank you so much you are pretty thorough." She waved it off and said "Your lunch break is at 12:45, and it lasts 40 minuets. So be back by 1:25. You can join me if you want." She winked. I laughed and told her I'm up for it.

We just made small talk as we headed over to the 9th flier she she showed me around and my desk. I thanked her and settled down to start exploring my desk.

It was a basic desk with drawers and files in them. I had the latest model of the computer sitting on my desk. I also got a complementary laptop for work.

I was very happy with how things were placed I couldn't help but think, "Хорошо шо я ушла." (Good thing I left) I sat there in my thoughts finishing settling in and setting up my laptop and computer as I heard someone clear their voice.

I look up to see a broad shouldered man with messy hair and green eyes. He had average sized lips that were pink and looked so kissable. He was pretty tan too. Overall I made these observations in the span of 1-2 seconds when I said "Hi, how can I help you."

I was glad I didn't creepily stare at him. And he didn't seem bothered. He looked over me once with a bored look and said, "Make me a coffee." ... The fuck?

I looked at him weirdly, decided that he was probably the dumb CEO and stated, "I'm a receptionist not an assistant, and I was told not to leave the desk unless an emergency or my lunch break.

He looked so annoyed I swear I saw him roll his eyes. He looked me in the eye and said "I don't care". He walked away to what I presumed was his office and decided to ignore his dumb request.

I though he dropped it 10 minuets later, but I was proved wrong when he walked out 15 minuets after.

I don't know why but I knew shit was gonna go down.



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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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