The Test

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Lola walked into a room that was covered in mirrors. In the middle there was one chair and a woman was waiting for her.

"Hi," said Lola anxious to get the test over with.

"Well hello, my name is Josephine and I will be administering your test," Said the Josephine who looked bored.

"Please sit down,"

Lola sat down on the chair and Josephine began to mix a few liquids and handed the drink to Lola.

"Bottoms up," Said Josephine

Lola was suddenly transported to a different world, but she was still in the room filled with mirrors. She suddenly saw an old women having a heart attack and ran over to help.

"You okay?" Asked Lola.

"What do you think dumbass," the woman responded harshly.

The women suddenly vanished and Lola was alone in the room once again. She decided to walk out, but instead of entering a hallway, she entered an airplane.

"HELP THEY ARE COMING!!!," Screamed a man.

Lola ran to the front to see what's happening, and helped evacuate everyone out. She saw the man lying on the floor, bleeding, and Lola tried to save him. Before she could save him though, the room vanished and Lola was once again sitting in the room filled with mirrors.

"Come on get up," Said Josephine.

Lola got up and was excited and nervous to find out what branch she would go to.

"So, what was my result? What branch am I going to?" Asked Lola.

Josephine didn't reply for a while. She left the room and told Lola to stay still. Josephine came back 5 minutes later and looked at Lola very seriously.

"Your result was Healer," Said Josephine.

"Okay," Said Lola, a little disappointed because she hoped for a different branch.

"And Empath. And Charger. And Defender." Said Josephine.

"What? How can that be?" Asked Lola curiously.

"There was a legend long ago," Explained Josephine, "That one 4 people, one coming from a different branch would defeat the evil in this country. Those five people would pass the test for all 4 branches and they would each have new powers. The curious thing is that they would not have any of the normal powers. You will have different powers from the rest of society."

Lola was shook. She had heard about the story before but never imagined herself as a charmed one.

"So please come with me, I have to bring you to a special group that will teach you your powers and show you your new team." Said Josephine

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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