The Beginning - Part Two

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Lola barely slept because she was to nervous. Today is the day when she is going to find out who she really is. She got herself ready and looked at her closet. I can't wear anything weird she thought. She chose to wear a yellow shirt with some jeans - a normal healer outfit. She went downstairs and was surprised to see an amazing breakfest in front of her.

"We thought you should have a good breakfast today," said mom.

Lola ran to her mom and hugged her and then ran to her dad and hugged him.

"Thank you so much you guys," Said Lola with excitement.

Her parents smiled and then they all had breakfast. It was the best morning that they had for a long time.

After breakfast, they all got in the car and headed towards the wiffle, normally used as a basketball arena, but for the special event, turned into the test building.

They arrived just in time, and before Lola entered the building, she hugged her parents very tightly and said goodbye. This was the last time she would ever see them again. After the test, she would go straight to her new branch and never see them again.

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