Chapter 21

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The wind blows gently and the light of stars blinking in the sky, Nara gazed at the night sky. “What are you looking at?” asked Azlan, coming out to the balcony. “Nothing much, just looking at the wonder of the nature” answered Nara. Azlan then flicked on her head. “Ouch, what was that for?” asked Nara, rubbing at the part where Azlan flicked. “Nothing much, just looking at your beauty” answered Azlan. Nara turned her face away with a blush. Azlan turned her face around by grabbing her chin. “Why are you looking away?” asked Azlan, smiling. “Don’t flick me like that” answered Nara. “Well, you’re my beloved wife after all” said Azlan. Nara smiled and hugged Azlan. “Look at the sea” said Azlan, pointing to the sky. “What is it?” asked Nara, turning her head to the sea. Azlan then kiss her cheek. Nara was stunned. “That’s for today” said Azlan. “What…what do you mean by today?!” asked Nara, grabbing a pillow and threw it to Azlan. Azlan chuckled. “Well I got a call from dad; he told me that he will be arriving at around 10 p.m. Let’s get prepared” said Azlan, smiling. Nara nodded with a smile and hugs him by his left arm. “Let’s make it a special day for us!” said Nara. “Of course…darling” said Azlan, smiling.  

The bell rang. Nara went to open the door and welcomed her family and Azlan’s family. After putting belongings and clothes in proper place, they had a meal. Everyone was enjoying the meal, happily talking to each other. After finishing the dine, Azlan went to balcony to watch the night skies. Fatimah followed him from the back. She too went to balcony to watch the night skies. “Do you remember how you used to fight with her in past?” asked Fatimah. “Yes, what a fight” answered Azlan, chuckling. “Now, what are you to her?” asked Fatimah. “A husband and a lover” answered Azlan, nodding. “Sure you are a straight forward man” said Fatimah. Azlan looked at Nara, who was playing with children. “I will protect her at all cost” said Azlan. “Brave words from a brave man, sure you’re trustworthy to be trusted to her” said Fatimah. “Honey, come inside. It’s cold out here and I don’t want you to get cold” said Nara, while going towards Azlan. “She’s a good woman, right?” whispered Fatimah. Azlan smirked and replied to Nara “Yes, it’s cold. Let’s get inside”

“Oh such a good days and memories, all those moments happened so quickly it’s like happened in a blink of an eye” said Nara, closing her photo book. “Grandma, what are you doing?” asked Syafiq, Nara’s grandson. “Oh nothing sweetie, I’m just going through the old photos. The memories of me and your grandfather” answered Nara. “Oh, well dad is calling you for the dinner at the restaurant. Come, let’s go grandma!” said Syafiq, full of excitement. “Okay I’m coming dear” said Nara. Syafiq happily goes back to his parents. Nara smiled while looking at him full of joy. “Oh Azlan, what would you say if you were to see him like this? I’m sure you would behave the same as him” whispered Nara to herself. “Well let’s go grandma! To the restaurant!!!” shouted Syafiq, heading towards the door. “Okay” answered Nara, smiling.  

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