Chapter 20

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The bell rang. Classes were dismissed. Break time started. Nara walked out from the class, heading towards Cafeteria. After having done with the meal, she looks at the sky. Fahad came and sat in front of her. “Nara, I have something to tell you” said Fahad. “Just say it in few words” said Nara, without turning her eyes towards him. “I like you” said Fahad, with courage. Nara looked at the water, and then she gave a heavy breath. “It’s okay. I like you as a friend. No more, no less than a friend” said Nara. “But…” said Fahad. Nara lifted her hand, signalling to end. “No more, you may go from here” said Nara. Fahad stoop up and left the table. “What if it was him? What would I say?” asked Nara, wondering. Then she stood up and went straight to class.

On the way, she met Hariz in the corridor. They both passed by each other. Then both of them stopped. “I have something to say for you” said Hariz, without turning back. “Say in few words” replied Nara. “Don’t get mad to Azlan, he’ll be fine one day” said Hariz. “Don’t you dare mention his name again” said Nara, in deep voice. Hariz closed his eyes. “You’ll wish for the person whom you’re forgetting” said Hariz, walking away. Nara was silenced. Then she walked away.  

“I hear that Fahad confessed his feeling to Nara, sounds funny for me” said Hariz. “Where did you get this information?” asked Azlan. “Nearby students, who sat near to him. He said he heard it as clear as a crystal” said Hariz. “Confessed huh? Sounds funnier that I thought. What he want to be for her? A superhero?” asked Azlan. “I don’t know. Maybe not a lovely day for him” said Hariz, giggling. Suddenly something shattered Azlan’s thought. Azlan fell to the floor, holding his head. “Something wrong Azlan?” asked Hariz. Azlan stood up. “Nothing much. Just where did I kept the yellow team’s cricket bat?” asked Azlan. “You kept at the storeroom last week” answered Hariz. “Oh yea. Thank God I remember that” said Azlan. “Why do you need it?” asked Hariz. “Nothing, just checking my memory” answered Azlan. “Anyway, let’s take a walk outside” he continued.

“I am feeling something bad will happen” said Hariz. “What made you think so? Are you saying that you are having grudge on me?” asked Azlan. “It’s not that. Just this feeling, it’s weird” said Hariz. “Well you may say that because…you see…it’s going to be okay. It’s not like a nuclear bomb is heading straight towards us” said Azlan. “I bet so” said Hariz. Within flash, someone crashed with Azlan. “Ouch, not again” said Azlan. “Huh? Not again?” asked Nara, in heart. The two eyes got contacted with each other. “Oh I’m sorry for that” said Nara. “It’s okay, it’s okay” Azlan nodded, while smiling. Nara looked away from his face. Then she immediately left that place. “What’s wrong with me? Have I forgotten that he had forgotten me? Or did he gained back some of his memory? And what does he mean by ‘not again’?” Nara thought deeply.

“Okay girls, so this is the public library. SO LET’S STUDY!” said Nurul, in high approach. “Quiet! You’re going to get us kicked out of this area” said Siti. “Chill out Siti. It’s going to be alright” replied Nurul. “Well let’s go” said Maria. “I’ll be heading towards Science & Math area. You girls decide on your own and meet on table 3” said Nurul. “Sure” replied the trio.

“I wonder which book I should choose. Since I’m already in the library, so let’s pick up any book. Any book will be fine to me” said Nara, wondering around in her head. “I choose you! Pikachu!” said Nara, hurling her arm to reach any book. Accidently she slipped her leg and fell while closing the eyes. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that someone had grabbed her from falling down. She turned her face, and it was Azlan. She stood up quickly. Azlan took a look at the book which fell on the floor. He took it up; the label of the book is “Hatred at first, Love at end”. “You’re choosing this book?” asked Azlan. “No” answered Nara, as quick as possible. Azlan took a look inside the book. There he saw imaginary figures of a boy and a girl who used to hate each other. But after a long time, they became friendly and later fell in love. Many adventures they faced but still remained intact with each other. Azlan was silenced. Nara turned away and started walking. “Wait” said Azlan. Nara stopped and she turned around. “Do these pictures ever resemble any of your life?” asked Azlan, giving the book to Nara. Nara carefully read the book. “Some, but not all” Nara replied. “These pictures kind of reminding me of a person, a girl, who I once hated. But now I don’t remember her” said Azlan. “It’s okay; she’s going to be fine. You may meet that same girl again, soon enough” said Nara. “There’s no need for me to wait” said Azlan. “Why?” asked Nara, doubtfully. “Because that girl is already standing in front of me” answered Azlan, with a smile. Nara looked down on the floor. “Listen here Nara…” Azlan lifted her head up, “I already know who you are. Since that crash you gave me. And my memories returned when I looked into the book which fell on the floor” Nara was silenced. Tears started to flow from her eyes. “Oh God, you’re crying” said Azlan. “No, I’m not” said Nara, trying to hold back the tears. Azlan took the handkerchief in his pocket and wipe her tears. “It’s okay, it’s okay” Azlan nodded while smiling. 

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