Chapter 19

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“I like that Panda doll. But the thing is I don’t have sufficient money for that” said Nara. “Oh really? On what thing you spent your money?” asked Maria. “I bought a new phone and unfortunately there’s a cute panda doll which is so adorable and I can’t afford to buy it” replied Nara. “BAM!” Nurul surprised both of them. “My God, don’t just come out like that. At least say some greeting” said Maria. “So how’s the group study plan been?” asked Nurul. “It’s good. It’s going to be held at my house” answered Maria. “We’re going to learn science and computer subject” added Nara. “I don’t think I can come over on that day. I had some other activities to do” said Siti. “Sure, next week you can join us” said Nurul. “It’s been 6 months since Azlan moves away. The situation change a lot. The problems are also increasing here in this school” said Maria, looking outside the window. “Yea, I wished he was here” said Nara, unconsciously. The entire trio stared at her. “What?” asked Nara, doubtfully. “What exactly did you said?” asked Maria. The teacher entered the class. “I don’t remember what I said” answered Nara. “Ah… I will see about that” Maria, giggling.                   

“Hmm, I can’t contact Ahmed currently. Weird” said Khairul. “Do you have enough credit to call?” asked his wife. “I do but I just contact him. Maybe he didn’t on his mobile. Or he’s the one who doesn’t have credit. Maybe he’s somewhere where there is low connection” said Khairul. “A collision car took place at Street James this morning” said the reporter. “A collision? Pretty sad for them” said his wife. “The collision causes a severe damage towards two people. The names are Michael White and Azlan bin Abdul Aziz” continued the reporter. “Azlan bin Abdul Aziz? I think I have heard his name. Do we know him?” asked Khairul. “He’s the nephew of Uncle Ahmed I think” answered his wife. “Oh God, We should pay a visit for him” said Khairul, standing up. “But that’s going to be tomorrow, it’s late tonight” said his wife. “I know and I’m aware of that” said Khairul.

 “I want everyone to be in disciplined manner. No nonsense move should occur. Remember, we are in hospital. Not in a playground. Is that understood?” said Khairul to his children, just outside of Azlan’s room. “Okay” answered the trio together. Khairul knocked the door softly. Uncle Ahmed opened the door. “Well if it isn’t Khairul, my friend” said Uncle Ahmed, welcoming his friend. “Yes it is me. May we enter the room?” asked Khairul. “Sure, all of you may enter” answered Uncle Ahmed. All of them entered the room. “Is there any of your friend or relative got hurt?” asked Nara, who was unaware of Azlan. Uncle Ahmed didn’t say a word to her question, only to point at the bed. Azlan was lying on the bed, unconsciousness of the surrounding. “Oh Azlan, what might happen to you now?” asked Nara in heart. “He got accident last night, while crossing the road” said Uncle Ahmed. “But I believe he’s going to be fine. Just have hope” he continued. Nara sat on a chair, at the side of the bed. “Just get well soon” prayed Nara in heart.

“Liverpool won the match, it’s a good news” said Uncle Ahmed, reading newspaper. Then something is heard to be moving on the bed. Uncle Ahmed took a look. By miracle, Azlan opened his eyes. “Azlan? Azlan, can you hear me?” rushed Uncle Ahmed to Azlan’s side. Azlan looked at his uncle. “Where…am…I?” asked Azlan, slowly. “It’s okay, you’re in the hospital. You’ve been in coma for like 2 weeks” answered Uncle Ahmed. “2 weeks…how about the flight?” asked Azlan. “It’s been cancelled. Because of your accident” answered Uncle Ahmed. Azlan looks outside of the window. “Are you okay?” asked Uncle Ahmed. “Nothing, it’s just, I dreamt of a…girl” answered Azlan. “A girl? Who is it?” asked Uncle Ahmed. “I’m not sure. The vision isn’t clear” answered Azlan. “You’ve just gotten up after long coma. You better rest” said Uncle Ahmed.

“According to my calculation, his condition is now better than before. He can leave the hospital for his home” said the doctor, after reviewing the files. “Thank you doctor, we appreciate your hard work” said Uncle Ahmed. “Your most welcome” said the doctor. “Well, it’s going to be fine Azlan. We’re going for Australia in next month” said Uncle Ahmed. “That is going to take my patience away in a day” said Azlan. “It’s not a big deal, you will see the day within a blink of an eye” said Uncle Ahmed. “I’m sure that time is going to flow very fast” said Azlan.

Reaching at the entrance of the hospital, they encountered Khairul’s family. “Ahmed, how nice to see you here” greeted Khairul. “Well I had just got news from doctor that Azlan may leave the hospital” said Uncle Ahmed. “Well Azlan, how are you feeling now?” asked Khairul. Azlan took a moment, staring at him. “I’m fine” answered Azlan. “He’s just recovered from the coma recently, about a week ago” said Uncle Ahmed. “I see, that’s good news. Well why don’t we take a drink at nearby café?” asked Khairul. “Well what do you think Azlan?” asked Uncle Ahmed. Azlan was silent for a moment. “I’ll go with that idea” answered Azlan. “He means he agreed with you” said Uncle Ahmed. “Well let’s go” said Khairul.

“What will be your order sir?” asked the waiter, giving the menu list to these customers. Meanwhile the waiter is taking order, Azlan, got up from his seat “I’m going outside for fresh air”. Nara followed him from behind. “Well, I heard that you had been in coma for two weeks. Are you feeling better now?” asked Nara. Azlan turned to her. “Who are you?” asked Azlan. Silence struck to Nara’s heart. “Don’t play jokes with me” said Nara. “I’m not. And who are you? How do you know that I’m in hospital?” asked Azlan, more serious than before. Nara grabbed his collar and slapped him very hard on the cheek. “That should remind you of what had happened” said Nara, going away from him. Azlan, kneeling down on his knees, put his hand at his cheek where Nara slapped. “Well that sounds familiar” said Azlan, softly. 

It's not going to be same againNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ