Chapter 1

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“Oh My God!!!” screamed Nara, running here and there like an Olympic runner.

“Calm down Nara, tell me what happened?"Asked her elder sister, Fatimah.

“Why should I keep calm when my homework assignment haven’t completed yet” groaned Nara.

“There you go, I told you to complete it before the vacation began, now go and complete it now” ordered Fatimah.

Nara went rushing to the computer for the solution of her homework.

“How can I complete these assignments within few days?! Ma’am is going to scold a lot to me for not completing the homework" said Nara.

New fresh air arrives, Nara stepped out her vehicle “Bye Dad, love you!”

Along with her elder sister and younger brother, they headed to the main school door.

It was a new day for them as they are new students.

When entering the school door, she was stopped when a boy just cross her path in a very quick and aggressive way.

She was feeling weird.

“Welcome Nara! Our new students in the class”, greeted by the monitor of her new class 8 O’level Green, “Please let yourself to be in comfort here, we are at your service.”

“Thank you” said Nara.

“So what’s your name?” asked her partners sitting next to her.

Nara answered “Nara binti Muhammad Khairul, but you girls can call me only ‘Nara’ ”.

“Nice name Nara” praised her partners, “Well let me introduce myself, I am Maria binti Yusuf, call me ‘Maria’ and these two are Siti binti Darim and Nurul binti Abbas”

“It is a pleasure to meet you Maria, Nurul, Siti” said Nara.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too” said Siti and Nurul.

“So where are you from? Nara” asked Siti. “I’m from Malaysia” answered Nara. “Hebat! Sekarang kita sudah ada tiga orang Malaysia! Tapi Nurul seorang sahaja yang bukan orang Malaysia, dia orang Indonesia (Great! Now we have three Malaysians! But only Nurul alone is not Malaysian, she is an Indonesian)” Exclaimed Maria.

“Oh ye ke? (Oh really?)” Asked Nara. “Yes, you and me and Siti, we are all Malaysians! Hebat kan? (Isn’t it great?)” “Well anyway, we all are going to speak English since we are here to speak English not commonly our language, okay?” said Siti.

“Okay!” answered Nara.

“So shall we take a look around the school, we’ll be your guidance” said Nurul.

“So here we are at the Cafeteria, commonly you know what’s a Cafeteria do you? Haha so let’s move on” said Nurul.

At the Cafeteria Nara saw how the table and bench were properly arranged and how it was monitored by several monitors.

But in a few distance she saw a gathering of quite a number of boys.

Suddenly a fight broke out, a lot of screaming can be heard and monitors are rushing to stop them.

“We better leave them or we might get involve into it” said Maria.

After a day taking a round around the school, they had a break in the cafeteria. “So this is a huge school that it took almost a day to go around” said Nara, giving off a breath of relief after tired of walking around.

“Well you will get used to it Nara, it’s just your beginning! Relax everything is going to be fine” said Nurul.

“Thank you for those kind words. I appreciate that” said Nara

Busy with drawing, Teacher shouted “NARA! What are you doing?!”.

“HUH?! What, what happened?” said Nara with surprised.

“Stand up and go at the back of the class. NOW!” the teacher ordered.

She can hear students giggling while she was on the way back.

As the class finished, she gave a heavy sigh of relief while saying “What a day, can’t she just say it nicely?”

Maria replied “That teacher is always like that, she wants us to be full attention towards her. Like a slave I can say. But leave that, past is a past and it’s a history now so just leave it.”

Nara smiled and continues to draw the picture of place, somewhere an event where her memory cannot forget.

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