Chapter 10

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“The exam days are over…glad it is” said Nara, picking her bag up to her shoulder. “Definitely is. New class, new days” said Maria. “The results are waiting for us” said Siti. “And Siti is going to run to the wall” said Nurul, with a laugh. Siti took her Math book and hit Nurul on her head. “What’s that for?” asked Nurul. “For fun” said Nara. “You told her to do that?” asked Nurul. “Yes, I do” answered Nara, with a laugh. Both of Nara and Siti laugh while Maria only smiles. “It’s a wonderful day. All of us are happy together” said Maria, in heart. “Well let’s go to buy something to eat, I’m super hungry” said Nurul. “Super hungry woman” said Siti. “You will see what I’ll do with you” said Nurul. Siti just laugh. “Oh no, we will see it” said Maria. “Of course” said Nara.

“What…is…this…?” asked Azlan in heart, starring into the gift that he hasn’t open yet. “Don’t you ever get bored? Starring into that box all the time?” asked Hariz, putting back his physic book in the bag. “This box just gives curiosity, making people wandering what would be in it with its beautiful cover” said Azlan. “Then why don’t you open it?” asked Hariz. “Not the right time” said Azlan. “You won’t open until a ‘princess’ come and kiss you? Like the story ‘Snow white and the seven dwarfs’?” said Hariz, laughing. Azlan knocked him to the ground. “Shut up, will you?” said Azlan. “Ok, sorry for that” said Hariz, who is still trying to hold his laugh. “Well we got some package to send to Sir Michael’s office. Let’s go” said Azlan. “Yea, sure” said Hariz.

“You don’t know your ambition?” asked Maria. “I don’t know what to be. I guess I will just relax at my house” said Nara, laughing. “Then what will you do after marriage?” asked Maria. “SLEEP!” said Nara, laughing. “Don’t you think your husband will be mad?” asked Maria. “Well I will just relax at my house and he will be the one that do all the work” said Nara, who keeps on laughing. “What will your future husband say if he knows you are like this?” asked Maria, shaking her head to left and right. “Happy! TO THE INFINITY! AND BEYOND!” answered Nara. “You are still like a kid” said Maria. “Of course” said Nara. “Oh no, I had to pick up some files in Sir Michael’s office. So I have to go” said Maria. “Mind if I follow?” asked Nara. “Sure, but don’t cause any trouble again. Okay?” said Maria. “OKAY! TO THE INFINITY! AND BEYOND!” said Nara. “Stop that will you?” said Maria. Nara just keeps on laughing.

“What a heavy package, wonder what’s in this thing?” asked Azlan. “Your big chubby bear doll is in there, waiting for its owner to open” said Hariz, laughing. Azlan kicked Hariz’s leg until Hariz fall down. Hariz just keeps on laughing on the floor. “Keep on laughing, I will get to class more quickly than you, HA!” said Azlan, picking up the package. “Oh no you don’t” said Hariz, getting up from the floor.

“What are you guys doing here?” asked one girl. Azlan and Hariz turned their head at once. It was Maria, standing beside her is Nara. “We were dancing, can’t you see?” said Hariz. “Dancing in your brain” said Maria. “And what brings you here Nara?” asked Azlan. “I just followed her, no offense movement now okay?” said Nara. Azlan and Hariz look at each other. Then they burst to laughter. “Why are you guys laughing?” asked Nara. “Our life, our choice” answered Hariz, laughing. Azlan laugh alongside with Hariz. Together they walked away from Nara and Maria, who are wondering why they are laughing like a mental problem person. “Well, we’re not here to stare at them. Let’s go and get the files” said Maria. “Sure” said Nara.

“Laughing like idiots” said Siti. “Wonder what make them laugh so hard like that?” asked Nurul. “We don’t know, it’s just so weird to watch Azlan laughing. Though I heard he doesn’t laugh at any way” said Nara. “That’s weird” said Maria. “Where’s the files you took from the office?” asked Hariz, who suddenly came into their class. “What files?” asked Maria. “Our files, of course. The one that you took from Sir Michael’s office” said Hariz. “WHAT?!” asked Maria, checking back the files that she took. “Yes, that one! Give me back” said Hariz. “But where’s our files?” asked Maria. “It’s with Azlan. If you want it, take from him. Probably he is reading now” said Hariz. “WHAT?!” asked Nara loudly. “Just give me the files” said Hariz. “No! You tell him to give it to us first” said Maria. “He’s not in this school now” said Hariz. “Then where is he?” asked Nurul. “He’s somewhere in Maradian Supermarket, buying some experiment substances for next experiment” said Hariz. “Tell him to give us our files first, then we will give you” said Siti. “Okay, fine’’ said Hariz, exiting the class. All four of them then stared at the files on the table of Nara’s and Maria’s table. No one dares to open that files.

“Hey Azlan” said Hariz. “What? Have you got the files?” asked Azlan, who is still choosing which pineapple is the most suitable for the experiment. “Those girls refused to give the files. It seems to me like that is true” said Hariz. Azlan put the pineapple into the trolley and turned to Hariz. “We need those files by the day after tomorrow. Don’t you know this?” asked Azlan. “I know, but they wanted you to come to them so they will give you” said Hariz. “What are they planning?” asked Azlan, curiously. “No idea, no clue” said Hariz. “Well I will go and fetch it myself” said Azlan. “Good, so have you bought everything for the experiment?” asked Hariz. “I am half way done. So far, I have collected the most important substances for the experiment” said Azlan. “Good, very good. Well let’s go, we don’t want to keep Sir Michael waiting for a long time” said Hariz. “Tie your shoes shoelace first” said Azlan, pushing the trolley. “Huh, how about you putting the stuff carefully?” asked Hariz. Azlan just laugh and Hariz kneel down to tie his shoelace. 

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