Chapter 5:Getting Closer

Start from the beginning

"Y/n~" he whined and you just laugh at him still walking on your way home.

"Aish, nevermind." He muttered then you both reached your house.

"We're here in front of my house now, small right?" You said as both of you stopped in front of your house.

"Yeah, it's simple...and I like it. It's cute." He said while looking at your house.

"Why do you find everything cute today?" You asked him as  you can't believe he found your house cute. This guy is so different. You thought to yourself.

"And why are you being pessimistic now? Aish, whatever." He asked then quickly shrugged off and smiled "Anyways, tomorrow is Saturday. What time?" He added reminding you about his plan to hang out with you.

"I'm free any time, It's up to you."  You said and he placed his hands inside his pocket as he think for a second then speak.

"How about 9:00am?" He asked you and you nod at him agreeing on the time. "Good. So... See you tomorrow, Y/n." He said giving you his bright smile, waving goodbye while walking three steps backward eyes not leaving at you.

"Yeah, see ya." You said returning back the smile he turn around but you call him which you didn't know why, making him stop and turn back at you with a question look. "Take care." The words that just came out from your mouth which you just realized after a few seconds and mentally slapped and scolded yourself as you can't believe why you just said that. His face lit up and smiled again at you. "I will, Y/n." He said and turn around again and because of his reaction to your words you changed your mind and didn't regret, you get inside your house.


Mr Chung came after Jin called him to picked him up. Then he noticed Jin's face which made him gasp in surprised mixed with worried.

"Your highness, what happen to your face?!" He asked him when he gets in the car.

"It's a long story Mr Chung, I'll tell you later when we get home. But please promise me to you won't tell father about it." Jin pleaded at him and he can't do anything but to agree with him. He sigh then nod his head.

"Yes, thanks Mr Chung!" Jin happily said flashing his smile to him.

"My god, I hope your father won't kill me if he finds it." Mr Chung muttered and drive away all along to the palace.


(Time Skip)


You are now laying on your bed after taking your dinner with your halmoni, she noticed the plaster on your lips covering your cuts and asked you what happen but because all those times until now she didn't know someone's bullying just told her white lies again. You said you accidentally tripped on a rock and lost your balance and fell to the floor making you accidentally bit your lips.

While blankly staring at the ceiling for almost 30 mins. Your phone vibrates with a ding, you reach your phone and open the message you received from Jin.

Goodnight, Y/n.😊

You feel your heart skip a beat when you saw his message wishing you goodnight, he just simply texted goodnight to you but why did you feel that way? You just shrugged off and decided to reply his text.

Goodnight to you too, Jin.😊

You typed it and click the send button then turn off the screen of your phone, putting it beside you and closed your eyes drifting away into your deep slumber. While Jin who's also laying on his bed after he texted you and waiting for your reply sleeps with a smile on his face after he received your reply on his message.


A/n: Hello lovely readers! 😁

How's your feeling after reading this chapter?

*Jin's voice:♪Let me know~♪

Wait for the next update.

Anyway, don't forget to vote for this chapter. Lots of love to  everyone of you, take care.😘💕

"Learn to love yourself, that will remove the blindfold on your eyes and reveal the people who loves you truly."


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