4. Vermilion

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Dedicated to: Adwitiya_Bagchi meofcourse18 ShardaPandit4

"I often find myself wondering, 

what marriage means,

Is it just sharing the bed at night?

Or is it just sharing an active conjugal life?

Is marriage a duty, an obligation; 

or is it living those fantasies and expectations?

Is marriage equivalent to closing doors,

for a woman who wanted to soar?

Is marriage all about bearing kids?

Or is it never letting go even when pained and facing hardships?"



15th August 2017

Third person's point of view:

Can anyone define a life-changing moment? 

When is it that life begins? When is that life change? When does life happen?

There are so many moments in our lives when we reminisce and contemplate on the different possibilities; those times we elucidate on the 'what-ifs' in our lives which contrast reality. It can be the moment when the report card in our hands reflects pitiful marks, when the dress that we get from the mall turns out to be a misfit, or when we curse ourselves for opting for a wrong subject in college? 

Life is a weird interface of what happens and what could have happened... Although we feel like going after the latter, all of us are more or less bound to fate and destiny.

Mrinalini was carried towards her destiny, by her brother and a neighbourhood boy.

 As the custom demanded, her face was covered by betel leaves when she arrived at the wedding altar

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 As the custom demanded, her face was covered by betel leaves when she arrived at the wedding altar. Her college friends, two of whom knew the truth, had tried to keep her cheerful and the lot hooted and cheered endlessly as one would during a soccer game between East Bengal and Mohun Bagan, when as she was made to circumnavigate her husband 7 times.

Mrinalini was brought face to face with her husband. She removed the betel leaves that obstructed her view and the bride and groom's gaze met. Overcome with consciousness, nervousness, and shyness all of a sudden, she abruptly looked down at the ground which made everyone around her laugh. 

"Exchange the garlands now. Come on! You must be hungry, Mrinalini!" her neighbour told her teasingly

With much fanfare, the much-awaited, ceremonious garland exchange took place. Mrinalini could feel his amused gaze on her the entire time when she struggled to put the garland around his neck. He was tall and she had trouble balancing herself, but then he bent his head for her convenience and that made all those surrounding the couple hoot aloud. The bride blushed a deep shade of red. She was embarrassed at the sudden, unexpected cooperation from his end.

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