Chapter Twenty-Nine-Oh good morning, how's life?

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Sophie was currently wrestling with the gorgodon. It was a perfect Sunday morning, and yet she had to deal with this. The gorgodon was already like an oversized, moody teenager. So you could  easily understand why she was really not in the mood for another sight of the Void. This time, in her own backyard. She had grabbed the tangourd and threw it at the gorgodon, and it landed in its mouth. However, it just spat it right back out again, like a tiny projectile. Feed, spit. Feed, spit.

So when Fitz ran up to her, covered in soot and who knows what, she was ready to scream- but all thoughts at yelling at her friends face disappeared when she saw the worried look on his face. "Sophie!" He stopped. " She felt a frown creep onto her face. "What? Is Biana giving you trouble agin?" Fitz hesitated. "What? No! But- look, have you contacted Amy lately?" Sophie blinked. "No, why?" 

Amy was her human sister. She was known to be annoying and obnoxious but Sophie had grown to love their arguments. Of course, when Amy had arrived in the lost cities, she seemed to have changed. Not only physically, but mentally as well. She had matured, just like Sophie had. It was true she hadn't contacted her sister in a while, but to be fair, she had been wrapped up in the Neverseen and Hogwarts- a girl can't have all the time in the world. 

Fitz' voice brought her out of her Amy induced thoughts. "She's disappeared." What?" She asked. "She's gone, along with the rest of her family," Fitz said. "Evacuated, by the looks of it. But now we don't known where they are!" Sophie sighed. Great. Another problem. But she tried to remain happy even though worry was creeping into her chest like ants. She hated ants. 

"It should be fine," Sophie said, though she was more of reassuring herself than the latter. "Today's a Saturday! We should just relax a bit- I known the Void has been taking up a big part of our lives- we should do something! It's a weekend!" But Fitz didn't reply. He was too busy staring, at shock, at something behind her.

She swirled around on her heel and nearly fell backwards. A pair of intelligent yellow eyes stared back at her. Billows of white steam issued from its nostrils, and it stared at her intently. Its jaws opened wide, revealing row upon row of sharp, jagged teeth. She expected herself to become dragon dinner- but instead of gobbling her up, it simply- yawned.

It gave a bit of a growl, but it didn't seem to be aggressive, just tired. And to top off her day, it spoke. "Lovely day, isn't it?" The dragon asked. Sophie's eyes widened. She turned to Fitz "Are you getting this?" Fitz blinked and slowly shook his head. "What do you mean? All I hear is-" He then performed a series of little growls and snorts, which was not, on any level, appealing. Definitely not enlightened language, then, Sophie thought. 

She turned back to the dragon. "Yeah, it is." Silence. Fitz' eyebrows had reached his hairline. "I want to thank you," The void said. "For releasing me. It's been so long since I spread my wings." Sophie nodded. "Your welcome." The dragon demonstrated the act it described, its wingspan taking up the whole pasture. 

"Monsters and oddities," The void continued, " Are often... misunderstood." Sophie slowly nodded her head. She could relate to that. After all, her first few weeks at foxfire had proven that. "I was never dangerous," The void said quietly. "But I fear there is something provoking me- something dangerous, waiting for me to crack." "That might be the Neverseen," Sophie said.

The void bobbed its head. "The Neverseen is an ancient group, though back when I was small they were simply called the unknown. " If that was when the dragon in front of her was little, that must have been a very, very, very long time ago. The dragon continued. "The elves before you saw me as a monster. A creature of destruction. And so I had no choice to obey their commands, to keep me alive. Please. Call off your searches. I have yet to subside to your enemy's grasp, and it will remain so- but I must still fight this mysterious force."

She cocked her head. "The council aren't known for their leniency," She started. "I know of their ways," He interrupted. "But I wish you tell them the truth. Words have power." She quieted. Well, the days were getting more eventful than the last.  The dragon reached out an enormous arm, unclenching its claws to reveal a sharp stone wrapped in a leather string. "I wish you wear this," He said pleasantly. "It will protect you, it's infused with dragon blood." He gave a toothy grin, revealing all the points of his teeth. Dropping the necklace into her palm, he said, "Good day to you," and flew off.

She slowly spun back to Fitz. "What just happened?" She asked slowly. Fitz was awe struck. "I have no idea," he said. "Believe me, you sounded like you were speaking dragon! You were making growling and hissing noises, it was scary- but it's fine, I won't hold it against you." Sophie's pupils delated. What? She was a polygot, sure, but dragon was a whole other category. Including an ancient creature that was as harmless as a sweet little lizard. "What I'm really confused about," Fitz said, interrupting her thoughts. "Is why it didn't eat you up."  Sophie grimaced. "Believe me, I thought so too. But maybe it isn't as bad as we thought," She said. 

She explained what the dragon had said, unfurling her clenched fist to reveal the necklace. "That's a dragon's tooth," Fitz said in awe. "Incredibly rare- you're lucky!" Sophie sighed. Another reason she was an exception. "So," Fitz said, drawing out to word. "What do we do now?" He asked. She thought and answered carefully. "I think it's time we pay our wizard friends a visit," She decided. 

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