Chapter Thirteen- The-Name-Of-This-Chapter-Is-Ridicoulously-Long-And-Potions

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Potions. Rose dragged her to the dungeon, even though she knew, without a doubt, she would fail. Miserably. Cauldron's simmered along the walls, smoke curling of their surfaces in perfect spirals. Her thoughts seemed to muddle as the smoke engulfed her. A voice snapped out of her confusion as she sat down. "Well, settle down, now. Today we shall be making the wit sharpening potion. You will find instructions," The witch gave her wand a delicate flick. "On the board. Go." Rose had already came back from the cupboard before the Professor even finished her words.

She scrambled for her things, watching Fitz slowly bring his cauldron to a boil. She sighed and read the instruction.

1. Mix in Ginger Root until lime green.

2. Mix Armadillo Bile until blue.

3. Mix Ground Scarab Beetles until red.

4. Remix Armadillo Bile until red liquid is yellow. 

5. Remix Ginger Roots until brew is lime green.

6. Mix Armadillo Bile until the potion is purple.

7. Allow potion to simmer for ten minutes.

8. Add more Ginger Root until the potion is dark orange.

It was only until number eight that she had trouble. She was sure she had done everything right, she had added everything in the right order- so why was her potion still purple? It should have been dark orange by now... Maybe she should add more Ginger Root? As she dumped in the rest of the jar's contents, She watched as it slowly became orange. She bottled some and smiled in triumph. But it kept getting paler- and paler- until it turned to as clear as water.

She gulped and handed in her vial, coming back to see the potion was still clear. She ladeled some into a vail, finding it was smooth, and flowed easily into the bottle. But it had a shine to it that wasn't like water- as if it had silver specks of glitter in it. She pocketed the vial and cleaned out her cauldron.

"Well, you see? That wasn't so bad- just another day at potions." Not really, Sophie thought. One would think the vial that now sat in her bag was proof that the class had been anything but normal.

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