Chapter Fourteen- EXPECTO PATRONUM! Nothing.

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The last class of the week was Defense Against The Dark Arts. What a mouthful, she thought, as she listened to Rose tell Fitz to stop turning his hair green. Professor Ignavus turned out to be a cheery fellow, and his voice was light and airy. "Today we shall begin to use patronuses. Don't feel discouraged if it doesn't work, it's a highly advanced spell. Do it with me now- just a full circle- Expecto Patronum!" "Expecto Patronum!" The class bellowed. "Jolley good! Now off you go- It's best that we darken the room- let's see, nox!"

The room darkened, and students stood up and shouts of "Expecto Patronum!" filled the room. "That's it- think of your happiest thoughts!" Sophie blinked. Her happiest thoughts? She didn't really know, she had a lot of happy memories. Beside her Fitz had closed his eyes shut, but his wand produced only shadowy vapour. Rose was flipping the pages of her book and holding her wand aloft in her other hand, her eyebrows scrunched together. Rose closed her eyes, swirled her wand, and said, "Expecto Patronum!" A playful dolphin burst from her wand, chittering and splashing in imaginary water. Rose smiled at it fondly. "Well, they are rather intelligent creatures, aren't they?"

Across the room, Scorpio had produced a brown bear, Fitz, a roaring lion. She squeezed her eyes shut, settling on the memory of her 12th human birthday. "Expecto Patronum," She whispered. She opened her eyes and... nothing. "It's fine," Rose reassured. "I didn't get it right the first time either- no one does. Sophie tried again, and again- all but a silvery animal came forth from her wand. Sophie internally sighed. I'll try once more, She thought. If it didn't work, she was throwing this stupid wand in the trash. She thought of the memory of finding out she was an elf. Warmth flared in her chest. This time when she opened her eyes, a graceful swan soared across the room, illuminating the darkness. "I did it, She whispered. "Bravo, Mrs Foster! Ten points for Gryffindor!"

Later Fitz pulled her aside. "Don't you think it's strange," he said quietly, " That your patronus is a swan, being the Black Swan's moonlark and everything?" She nodded. "I thought of that too. It's like it shapes my whole future. I'm fine though, really." That night as she lay in bed, Rose sleeping peacefully beside her, she replayed the image of the swan in her head. She turned and rolled her wand through her fingers. "Thank you," She whispered. It seemed foolish, but she swore the wand grew warmer in her hand. 

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