The Beginning

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I always loved watching my mom heal others. She heals them with such kindness and gentleness. The air would soften when she would start and the birds would start to chirp. It was a calming feeling. She would first start by uncovering the damage and then by using her hand and magic, a light would burst from her hand and heal the damage. It was a amazing experience.

Once she healed the patient and made sure he was okay, she looked back at me and said,

"You excited for tomorrow?"

Tomorrow. The day that has haunted me my whole life. The day that will decide my date forever. Tomorrow I will take a test that will tell me what my powers are and how I will fit into society. Will I become a empath, a healer, a defender or a charger?

All 4 branches of magic help society in some way. The healers, heal up those hurt but can also cause raging disease's all over the world. The chargers run the government and use their huge brains to advance our city. The defenders help defend our city from all outside enemies and ourselves. The empaths are our teachers and spies. They can read other people's minds and emotions. The most strong of the empaths can change other people's emotions. And if you don't fit into any of the branches, or are a logo (which means you don't have any powers), you are despised by society and have to live poor for eternity.

I have to get into at least one branch. If i'm not a healer, I have to leave my family forever. Im scared that it'll say that I have to leave. But i'm even more scared it'll say I have to stay. I know already that I'm not a healer. I've tried my whole life to become one but it never happened.

I look into my mother's eyes and say with a grin,

"who isn't?"

We burst out laughing because we both know that tomorrow will be the hardest day of my life. A fun fact about me is that I like to use comedy to help cope with my life!

Anyway, after my mom finished healing people, we cooked dinner together. I cooked the pasta while she made some chicken. We ate our dinner and that's when I heard a zap outside my house and knew my dad was home.

He entered, looking tired and exhausted - but with a smile. My dad always smiles no matter what. The only time I didn't see him smile was when my sister died.... but that's another story. He entered and walked up to my mom and kissed her on the forehead gently. They have always done that since I was born. He sat down and ate the food that we saved for him and I told him about how nervous I am for tomorrow. He then told me,

"No matter what branch you go to, I love you, and will always love you."

Those are words I will never forget.

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