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Katniss' PoV:
We sit on the sofa in the living room, close to each other watching Plutarch's new singing show. It's called 'singing with the stars'. Some are good, mostly from the Capitol, but only because they've been trained by the best singers in Panem. However, most are awful. Their pitch and key isn't in range and muffled with their ridiculous accents, it just makes it worse.
Peeta speaks up after an hour of silence, just watching the television. "No one is as good as you." He says, smiling. A smile plasters on my lips, returning the thanks from the look.
"Sing for me." He says, quietly.
Oh no. I think. I don't want to sing to him. It makes me so self-conscious. But then I think, he's never asked me to do anything I'm not comfortable with. I'm forever owing him for things from the past. So, I say,

"Deep in the meadow, under the willow.
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow.
Lay down your head, and close your eyes.

And when they open, the sun will rise.
Here it's safe, and here it's warm.
Here the daisies guard you from every harm. Here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true.
Here is the place where I love you.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away.
A cloak of green, a moon beam ray.
Forget your woes, and let your troubles lay. And when again it's morning, they'll wash away.

Here it's safe, and here it's warm.
Here the daisies guard you from every harm. Here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true.

Here is the place where I love you."

His head nuzzles into my neck, further than I'd expected. "You have the most beautiful voice Katniss." He says.
I don't reply. I don't know why, but I just can't. Instead, I raise my hand and brush the hairs off his forehead and lay my head on top of his. For the first time in a long time, I think, this is as intimate as we've been. He hasn't stayed with me when
my nightmares have woken me up since before his attack. I haven't seen him have a flashback in nearly a year, but I could spot one a mile off if he ever had one. He says he doesn't like me to be around when he has one.
When we're watching Plutarch's new show, I notice he's nearly the same. The soft skin that once clung to his bones in attractive slimness is now filled out- not fat, but the face of a father rather than a son. His eyebrows have gained more of a ginger hue, but his hair still remains very downy and thin. And of course, his body shape is still round and reasonably satisfied by prosperous food. He gleams with satisfaction from everything he can. So, generally, the war hasn't changed him.

Gradually, my eyelids met with my lower, black lashes and I fell asleep huddled next to Peeta.
My eyes open like two flashlight beams, the new temporal inserts providing enough light to illuminate whatever I look at. It's like being shown the woods one tree at a time in some crazy memory game, but it's better than blackness.
My head is moist with pearl-shaped beads of sweat dripping from it.
"Katniss, it's okay." Says Peeta, looking at me straight into my eyes. "You had a nightmare. It's okay. I'm here."

I nod, trying to catch my breath. It's fast and raspy. "Katniss, breathe for me." Peeta commands kindly.
I take a few sharp and slow breaths in through my nose and back through my mouth.
"Can I just go to bed?" I ask Peeta.
"Of course. Let me take you." He says, as I get up from the sofa. We walk upstairs and I climb into my bed. Just as he makes sure I'm comfortable and asks that I'm okay, which I say yes, he starts to walk away.
"Peeta, don't go." I say, sounding desperate.
"Katniss, you know I can't be here. What if I-"
"What if you what? Have a flashback?" I say, interrupting him. "I don't care Peeta. I'll just help you through it, like you do with my nightmares."
He sighs and admits defeat. He gets into bed and for the first time in forever, I place my head straight above his heart.

It's like a drum. A soft drum.

I lift my head to stare into his blue, crystal eyes. "Stay with me?" I ask. I know after I've asked this, he can only bring himself to answer the same way he always has.

I rest my head back on his chest and he envelopes me into a warm and devoted embrace. I close my eyes and for the first time in a very long time, I feel safe to fall asleep because Peeta is here. And he always will be.

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