Getting ready.

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Katniss' Pov:

"What? He's coming home?" I ask Haymitch in absolute shock. I don't know why I'm shocked, because I knew he'd be coming home, but that fact that it's tomorrow just paralyses me. An excited spark grows in my stomach.

"Yes sweetheart, he's coming home," Haymitch says. "But the doctors made something very clear. He can't stay in the same house as you. He will have to move back to his house for as long as it's required. Look sweetheart, I know it's painful for you, but it for your own safety. Although becuase of many brain scans, Dr Aurelius has assured me that he won't hurt you anymore, we need to allow him his own space."

I'm not devestated. For some reason, I'm more relieved than sad. Relieved that he can find serenity by himself. Relieved that he's become strong enough to come home. He was always the stronger one. I was never weak and I still don't think of myself as weak because I haven't fully collapsed yet. But mentally, Peeta has always been the one to hold on the little bit longer. And I know life is tough, but so is Peeta.

I know he can fight this long road ahead of him. He would wake up ever morning to fight the same demons that left him so tired the night before, but I'd tell him it was bravery.

"What about all of his belongings? They're all in his room. And his paintings." I say to Haymitch.

"Well, that's why I've phoned you today so that you can get his things together so that he doesn't have to do it himself." Haymitch says.

"How did you find out?," I ask. "That is, how did you find out he's coming back tomorrow?"

"Dr Aurlieus phoned me. She thought maybe I'd be better telling you than her telling you, judging by your last conversation with her. You make friends real fast, don't ya?" He asks me rhetorically.

I sigh through the phone.

"Well, I'm going to get his belongings sorted out and then head over to his house. Do you have a spare key?" I ask.

"Yeah, see you later." He says before hanging the phone up.

Crap. Prior to turning around, I register that Gale heard the entirety of that phone call from my end.

I turn my head to look at him. Surprisingly, he stands there with no anger on his face or nothing that could be associated with the notion of anger. He just looks like a puzzled child.

"What was that about?" He asks, emphasising his words.

"I'm not going to keep you in the dark so here's what happened."

I tell Gale what happened. He doesn't grow angry or cross or overpowering or overprotective. To be honest he seems mutual. The only sign of concern he shows is when he asks me if I'm ok from it all, to which I reply 'sort of.'

"Well, it's fair to say Catnip, that your life never gets boring." He says with a laugh on his face.

"Yeah, you can say that again." I say laughing. Gosh, I haven't laughed in months.

I guess that's living proof that friends have a real impact on you. I missed someone's companionship for the first time in 4 months. I'm content that Gale is back in my life and although I can never forgive him because Prim was the only person I loved with an infinite amount of certainty, he was someone who made me happy. He kept my family alive during the games. But he is only a friend and only ever will be. It seems weird to consider that say, 2 years ago, I had genuine feelings for him and that I considered my life to be in a relationship with Gale. Now I can only imagine my life without him than more as a friend. But in the same regard, I can't seem to picture Peeta back in my life so easily.

His recovery this time around will hit him 10 times harder, because he's done it before and he knows the extremity and pain of the road to recovery. However, I know and many people close to him, know that he will never fully recover. He will still thrash around in bed and his hands will always shake when he double knots his shoelaces. But he will still be the same Peeta I once knew. Kind, generous and the only person left on this earth with the most tender and humane nature anybody could posses.

"Well, I have to go and gather his things together, so,"

"Do you want me to help?" Asks Gale.

"No, but thank you. I'll be alright. I prefer to do it by myself if that's alright with you." I say.

"Sure. It was nice seeing you Katniss. I'll be going back to 2 tomorrow so I doubt I'll see you. Write to me though, keep in touch." He says, kindly walking towards the door.

"I will." I say. And off he goes. I know I won't keep in touch. For the past 10 minutes, I remained an excellent façade. I'm aware I hugged him, but sometimes giving someone your forgiveness, is like sparing their life...

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