𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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- Charlie's Pov -

"I plan to tell him tonight" I say nervously to Clover whom was dragging her feet against the wet gravel. "mhm" She mutters. "You feeling okay?" I ask her, rubbing her shoulder. "Just worried about Mads" She shrugs. "You're worried- about Mads?" I raise an eyebrow at her. I ring the water out of my hair, when we left school it was sunny but now it's chucking it down with rain.

"Well, not worried for her health... because... well.. fuck no. But I'm worried that she's going to end up like us" She sighs. "It'll be fine" I smile. "on top of that Nessa came up to me and warned me that Mads was still in hospital and she was going to expose me once she's gotten out" she says quietly. "She's still in hospital?" I ask with my eyes widened. "You're really focusing on the wrong bit here" she says stopping in her tracks.

A loud smash ripples throughout our street and our eyes scan over to our mothers house. "That was definitely a window!" I yell as Clover rushes towards the house with me not far behind her.

We get inside to see the house smashed up to fuck. "Oh my god!" I gasp.

"What happ-" "how nice of you both to join me" Mum's boyfriend, Paul, growls, cutting Clover off.

Something we've recently found out is he's a raging alcoholic. "W-where's mum?" Clover stutters, moving back from the broken glass bottle he was holding. "Shopping to make this dump a show home" He scoffs. "I was born in this 'dump' " Clover says defensively. "anyways what are you doing here?" He mutters. "We live here, remember" I raise my eyebrow. "Only when it suits you" He says. "Excuse me?" Clover asks with her eyes widened. "You're always with those boyfriends of yours" He says. "Jaden isn't my boyfriend" Clover crosses her arms.

"I'm not surprised, even you can do better than that" He fake gags. I look over at Clover with widened eyes and my mouth in an O shape. "That boy is the definition of perfect, just because you're clearly not happy without yourself doesn't mean you can drag my kinda-sorta-not really boyfriend down with you, so shut your damn mouth and leave both Jaden and Josh out of this!" Clover screams. Paul grabs her arm and holds the broken bottle up to her neck. "Don't talk to me like that... I'm both of yours dad now!" He smirks devilishly. "No, you're, NOT!" I yell pushing him off Clover.

- Jaden's Pov -

"Why are we coming here again, we're meant to be meeting the others at Griff's, we'll see the girls later" Josh laughs, dragging his feet along the damp gravel. "We are I'm just here to drop Clover's phone off, she left it in social studies" I shrug, showing him the phone in my pocket. "It's weird to think we're graduates now, I mean, where do we go from here" Josh says. "Well, we have our fans and tiktok and youtube, we have loads to do... and besides, I'm thinking of asking Clover to move away with me" I say the last bit lower. "WHAT!" he stops dead in his tracks. "you're leaving LA?!" He asks. "calm down, I was thinking maybe us and the guys and all the girls could move away and make social media houses, maybe two houses so we all have more room" I shrug.

"Okay- where?" He asks. "Australia" I suggest. "That's so far mate" He groans. "I know, but that country holds alot of our girls' memories, it would be nice for them" I say. "sounds like a plan" He agrees after a minute of thinking about it.

(I'm sorry I've changed the location of the sway house and hype house but in this story they are formed later on, they all live on their own atm obviously <3, also in the story I'm adding Avani to the sway house as well as the original boys, then in the hype house I'm going to put Cynthia and Dani in there with Quinton, I know it's all mixed up and I apologise, I wanted Cynthia and Quinton to be living in the same house but don't worry they all spend a lot of time together (also Josh and Bryce haven't made 'still softish' yet, that also comes later on), just thought I'd let you all know <3).

"So shut your damn mouth and leave both Jaden and Josh out of this!" I hear Clover scream from inside the house. "What the-" Josh says as we run towards the door.

We head inside to see Paul with a glass bottle up to Clover's neck and Charlie shoves him off her. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!" I yell getting infront of Clover for her protection. "Awww, it's the boyfriend, she can do better than you, bet you two have nothing in common either" He laughs bitchily. "You have no idea what you're talking about" I growl. "Jaden!" Clover tries to pull me back away from him but my anger was getting out of control.

"I can't tell if he's going to laugh, cry or freak out. What's wrong BOY?" Paul growls. I make eye contact with him for a split second and he falls to the floor clutching his stomach and fitting.

"OH MY GOD!" Clover screams. "fuck sake not again" Charlie adds on. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON THIS KEEPS HAPPENING WHAT-" Josh yells.

Clover pulls his fitting body into the livingroom and shuts the door. "Can I have my phone?" She asks. I nod and hand it to her. She dials 911.

"Hello, police please" She says down the phone. "What are you-" Josh asks before she cuts him off with holding her finger to her lips. "Hello yes, I fear that my mother is in danger, she's living with a ranging alcoholic with drug issues" She says pulling a large bag of cocaine out of the stair safe and leaving it on the stairs in view. My jaw drops. "jesus christ" Josh gasps. She tells them the address and says she'll leave the door open.

We rush outside to the car and drive off to my house. Josh and Charlie sit on the sofa and have their own conversation. I pull Clover into the kitchen to talk to her.

- Clover's Pov -

"Let's run away Clover" He holds my dainty hands in his, gently rubbing my knuckles to calm me down. "w-what?" I ask, stuttering and gasping for air, just the thought of running away terrified me. "Let's just go, neither you or I like it here and neither you or I are safe here, then... We can focus on us". After a while the idea of running away with the boy that I'm madly in love with became tempting. I thought for a long second about the consequences but soon realised that they didn't matter... I wanted to be with him and if this was the only way we could do it and nobody else gets hurt... then I'd do it in a heartbeat. "Yes" I whisper. His face lights up. "Yes I'll run away with you".

"where?" I question. "Australia" He says. My heart flutters with excitement. "REALLY!?". He nods.

"but we need a house I mean we don't have anywhere to live and-" "Already sorted, I sorted It with Chase and Anthony a few days ago, regardless of what happened today I was going to ask you to move away with me anyways, We're all going to move as two groups, everybody is coming and we've bought two houses for all of us to live in, we leave this evening" He says.

Charlie and Josh both rush into the kitchen. "I told him" Charlie says cheerfully. "Bro why didn't you tell us about this" He asks Jaden calmly. "I always told my dad I wouldn't tell anybody, I didn't know how you'd take it, we'll tell the others tomorrow, hopefully they'll take it well" Jaden says. "Hopefully" Charlie says with her fingers crossed.

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now