𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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- Jaden's Pov - Kinda short chapter

It been approximately three months since Clover and I went over to my mother's house and we have spent every single waking moment together. She's too afraid to leave me on my own incase... she said and I quote... 'you may do something wreckless'.

I've loved spending time with her and I hate to disappoint but we're not dating. Only really close friends... we haven't even kissed since that day. She's clearly not that into me and I respect that so I've chosen to keep my distance on that subject and just be the friend that she wanted.

I groan as I drag my feet along the crowded corridors. I couldn't put into words how much I hated school. Although today won't be all bad, I have double Spanish and I think we all know why I like Spanish.

I notice Avani, Clover and Charlie all stood by Clover's locker so I head over. "Morning beautiful" I smile leaning against the locker next to hers. "Morning you brown-haired bombshell" She smirks. "Ugh just date, you're killing me" Charlie whines making myself and Clover laugh. "I think we're good as friends thankyou" Clover mutters.

Ouch, that stung a little bit I won't lie. "I have to go meet Anthony, I'll see you girls later" Avani hugs Clover's side, "and I have to meet Josh, I'll see you in Spanish" Charlie smiles, walking off leaving Clover and I on our own.

"I'm so excited for prom!!" A couple of girls squeal. Clover gags and leans back against her now closed locker. "I don't see the point in our college having a prom, prom is a highschool thing" She rolls her eyes.  "you never went to yours?" I ask looking down at her. "I've never been in school before now" She says in a duh tone, slapping me around the back of the head.

"So are you going... to prom?" I ask. "Hmm, Students vomiting, people being depressed over not getting prom queen or king, students fucking in the toilets or under the bleachers, spiked punch bowls and emotional horny teenagers... I'll pass" She mutters walking off. "Come on it'll will be fun" I say trailing behind her. "well you are the king of 'fun'" She laughs. "I'm the king of hearts too" I say referring to a few months back. "ha ha" She says unenthusiastically.

"was pretty funny to be honest" I say backing my joke up.

I stand infront of her and look down at her with my classical charming facial expression, that she never can resist. She raises her eyebrows, crosses her arms over her chest and smirks.

"Look come to prom with me, be my date there, the after party is at mine anyways, I can keep an eye on you then" I say rubbing her arm. "Okay fine!, It's in two days though I'm going to have to buy a dress this evening, I'll drag Avani with me since I think Charlie and Josh have a date" She mutters. "Ugh they always have a date" I groan. "Tell me about it" She laughs.

- Clover's Pov -

The end of the day comes pretty quickly and I meet Avani outside the gates. "Ready to go dress shopping?" She asks excitedly, clapping her hands. "As ready as I'll ever be" I shrug and groan. "Ugh, Lighten up Clover" She smirks, pulling her sunglasses over her eyes as she jumps in her car. Throughout the drive there she was towering me with questions and no surprise they we're all about Jaden.

"Have you had sex with him yet?" She asks. I fake gag and roll my eyes. "God Avani no! I would never" I smirk to myself and glance out of the window. "Really, that smirk says otherwise" She laughs. "Well have you kissed?" she asks. "Maybe once or twice" I shrug, twisting my hair around one of my fingers. "I KNEW IT!" she yells. "Woah Avi, keep your eyes on the road" I laugh.

"You're probably the only girl that he cares about, when he was with me he didn't give a fuck" She scoffs. "Wait he was with you?" I question. "Yeah, we got together some time last year, we didn't last long because surprise surprise he cheated on me, that's when I met Anthony and I'm happy now, but I'm happy for you and him, you may not be dating but you're so suited" She grins. I fake smile and glance back out of the window. Gosh, what girl hasn't he dated/fucked.

We pull up to the dress shop and I get straight out. "Clover are you okay? I knew I shouldn't have told you about us" She panics. "No it's not that it's just... What girl hasn't he got with, I don't want to end up being just another one of them, I'm actually starting to fall for him" I start to tear up. She pulls me into and hug and stroke my back gently.

"Listen it will be okay, you can tell that he's genuine with you just by the way that he acts now, He's nowhere near as fuckboyish as he was before you moved here" She says. "Really?" I sniff slightly and wipe the tears off of my face. "100%, now lets go get you a pretty dress to boost your confidence!" She yells pulling me towards the shop.

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now