Chapter 6

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"Baby! You're okay!" Bickslow howled dramatically and he grabbed Freed in a tight hug. "I was so worried! I thought we lost you!"

Surprisingly, Freed didn't even flinch when the seith mage suddenly came hugging him once he came back to the guild after Freed and Laxus. He just chuckled.

"I'm sorry I caused so much trouble", he said.

"What do you mean 'we' lost him?" Laxus growled. "You're the one who was supposed to watch him while out."

"I did! But damn, the man's like a weasel, slipping out of sight in a second when you turn around!" Bickslow said letting go of the rune mage.

"Please don't talk about me like I'm a child", Freed muttered slightly annoyed.

"Then don't act like one and go disappearing", Laxus snapped before even thinking since he was already irritated because of Bickslow and he bit his tongue.

Though, Freed didn't seem hurt. But then again, he never let his facial expressions to show he was hurt by just mere words. Laxus grunted, looking away.

"Sorry", he muttered.

"It's alright, I understand this situation is hard not just for me but to everyone", Freed nodded accepting his apology. "I'll try to control myself better and not leave without saying anything."

"Don't push yourself too hard, Freed", Bickslow said. "It's not like you meant to leave like that. Laxus just has a short temper, that's all. You don't need to take it into heart if he sometimes barks", he snickered and Laxus growled glaring at him. But yeah, even he knew it was true. "We just keep an eye on you better. If you feel like you might remember something, shouldn't you just go and find out about it?" Bickslow grinned encouragingly.

"Go and find out!" his tiki dolls cheered happily.

"I don't want to trouble everyone", Freed said.

"You don't need to care about that", Laxus said. "The most important thing is that you can get your memories back."

Freed smiled as they started to figure out what they should do for the rest of the day. He had already noticed it from the very start that he had obviously very good and close friends. Bickslow and Evergreen felt almost like siblings to him, but he wasn't sure why it felt like Laxus didn't fall to that category quite well. Obviously they were close and cared of each other, but it wasn't the same like with other two. It was a bit confusing, he had to be honest.

For now Freed just sat down with others and listened to what they talked and let his eyes travel around he hall. Everyone had their own doings, who were talking, drinking or playing cards or whatever. All the time there was a nice, not – yet – too loud chatter going on.

"Hey! Laxus!" someone yelled and all three lifted their gazes.

Freed frowned slightly when seeing a pink haired mage, obviously younger than they were and he tried to remember his name. He had heard so many names, seen so many faces and heard many descriptions lately it was hard to immediately connect names and faces. He tend to still forget them time to time. But this youngster's name was supposed to be something simple and there should be something why he should remember it...

"Fight me!"

Natsu. Yes, that it was.

"No", Laxus grunted just turning his head away from the fire dragon slayer.

"You're boring", Natsu whined disappointed.

"And don't give a fuck. Go away."

"Come on! Aren't you getting tired of just sitting around here? I have nothing to do either so let's spar together and hone up our skills!" Natsu laughed with a huge smile.

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