Chapter 4

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The forest was silent and only their steps were heard as they were walking through it. Freed was a bit confused, why was Porlyusica living in this forest?

"You better prepare yourself", Laxus warned. "She can be really ruthless and such a pain in he ass if she so wants."

"Really?" Freed said surprised.

"Yeah, she's an old hag who hates humans."

"So she isn't a human?"

"She is, she just doesn't care about that fact."

"I'm confused", Freed confessed.

"Most people are when they meet her first time so that's normal", Laxus chuckled and they continued walking along the path.

After a while Freed saw a little cottage. It looked comfy and nice but it sure was odd for someone to live so deep in the forest alone. Guess Porlyusica had her reasons to do so.

They walked closer to the door and it suddenly slammed open. Freed shivered when looking at the pink haired old woman who had a harsh stare.

"It took you long enough to get here", she tisked.

"Didn't know you knew we were coming", Laxus said instantly annoyed. Damn he always got irritated when talking with Porlyusica, but he knew better than show it in any other way than just snarling a little bit.

"Your grandfather already told me what's wrong with Freed, he wants me to check if I can help him", Porlyusica said. "I doubt I can do anything, but we'll see. Wipe your shoes", she said and went back in.

Freed and Laxus made sure their shoes were clean and stepped inside. Freed looked around curiously, seeing lots of herbs, jars, books, all kinds of things one would expect to find from a healer's cottage.

All in all, this cottage actually seemed quite comfortable and he could see why Porlyusica enjoyed living here even if it were quite far from other people. And that of course was another reason why she enjoyed living here as Laxus had told him.

"So I heard you don't remember a thing?" Porlyusica said looking at Freed.

"That's true", Freed nodded.

"Sit down", Porlyusica commanded and Freed sat down immediately on the chair. "At least you still know how to listen to orders", the old woman muttered and she opened the bandages that were around Freed's head just in case. "Did Wendy heal this yet?"

"Just before we got here", Laxus said. "She said it still needs a couple of days, though."

"Yes, that's good. With head injuries, it's never good to rush, that girl did the right decision", Porlyusica muttered and she leaned closer to inspect the wound. "Did they say anything at the hospital do they know the shape of the weapon or whatever hit his head?"

"At least we can rule away all swords and stuff", Laxus shrugged. "It's something blunt but they couldn't tell anything more what kind the thing was what hit him."

"Stupid useless humans", Porlyusica muttered annoyed. "Anything else? How have you been feeling otherwise?"

"Slightly disoriented, I've had some headache", Freed said.

"That will go away when you heal properly. If you start feeling dizzy, sick or lose your balance or your headache grows unbearably, you have to warn me and Wendy immediately", Porlyusica said and she got up.

She took out some herbs, mixing them together for a while and put it all in a bag.

"Make one cup of tea from this two times a day until you've used it all", she said giving the small bag for Freed. "It should last for a week. I can't make your memory come back since it's not magic that has made it to disappear. We can only wait. Use those herbs I gave you and it should help you with your headache at least, I can't guarantee it helps anything else."

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