Chapter 3

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It took them some time to reach Laxus' apartment as it was not close to the guild. It wasn't too spacious either, but it felt nice as Freed stepped in and looked around. He couldn't remember this place but it was still nice.

"Just look around and relax, I'll make us something to eat", Laxus said as he threw his coat on the rack and took off his shoes. Freed nodded and he took off his coat as well, placed his sword against the wall and took off his boots.

He slowly walked around. This apartment really wasn't big even if it had two bedrooms. There wasn't much furniture either, but Laxus had lots of pictures on the walls and all kinds of little stuff. Freed looked at the pictures but none of them really triggered anything in his head. It was really weird seeing himself in many of those pictures with Laxus, Bickslow and Evergreen yet he had no idea when those pictures were taken or where.

He opened the doors and found a bathroom, next to it there was a guestroom and the last room was Laxus' own bedroom. It was slightly messy, some clothes here and there on the floor. Without even thinking Freed picked them up like his body was moving on its own and he brought them to the bathroom.

"Don't start cleaning, you always do that same thing when you come over", Laxus sighed when he saw what he was doing.

"Oh... I'm sorry", Freed said.

"Well, it's fine, it's not like I get mad at you because you do it. I know you just want to help", Laxus said. "Come here and sit on the couch", he suggested.

Freed stepped in the living room that was combined with kitchen. In the kitchen's side there were a small table with four chairs and in the living room there were one big couch and two arm chairs. There was also a lacrimavision and a bookshelf. There were more junk in it than books. But something told him that all that "junk" was really important for Laxus, he just didn't know why.

"Those are mementos", Laxus said when he saw Freed looking at the stuff he had collected. "Yeah, it's all kind of crap but I like having those. Reminds me of what all we have done together."

"I see", Freed said. "So they are important to you even if they might not have value otherwise."

"Yeah", Laxus said adding some salt. He just simply sliced some sausages and potatoes on the pan and added a few herbs. It was nothing fancy but at least they wouldn't be hungry anymore after eating it. "See that ribbon there? You used it to tie your hair. When we first met, you dropped it so I picked it up. You said you didn't need it so I kept it as a memento of that day. I had this feeling that we might become good friends", he chuckled.

"Oh", Freed smiled when seeing the gray old ribbon. It certainly didn't seem like anything important, but it somehow did feel nice how it held so much value for Laxus. "How did we meet?"

"It was a long time ago", Laxus said as he fetched two plates. "Actually, I was in a serious trouble. You just appeared out of nowhere and helped me out. You said you just wanted to help me when I asked why you did it", he smiled. "You've always been a good guy, Freed. Maybe a bit weird sometimes but a good guy nonetheless. I'm really sorry that you can't remember that moment."

Freed looked at the shelves, thinking about what he just heard. He did no remember anything what Laxus just told him at all. He couldn't find any images from his head that included the blond mage. But guess he would remember at some point? If it really was true that his memories should come back when they just waited.

"Come on, let's eat", Laxus said and Freed nodded.

He sat on one of the chairs around the table and Laxus put down the plates and then he fetched some cups and got them juice.

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