Clark Baxtresser - Mr Sexy Keyboard Man

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The stage is set up with all the instruments. A keyboard is set up in the centre, a sign hanging off of it that reads "Jim and the Povolos".

"Have you seen them before?" I ask my friend, holding onto their arm as we walk up to the bar to get a drink before the show starts.

"No I haven't" they say "they're a part of this. . .youtube theatre company that I've seen some shows from. This is like a little side project of some of the members" we reach the bar and the bartender takes our orders.

"Ok cool. I've never heard of them is all."

"I think you'll quite enjoy them. That's why I asked you to come" they say as we pay for our drinks and the bartender slides them over to us. We stand and chat for a bit as more people start to file into the venue. There's a general happy buzz as everyone chats, finding a place in the mayhem. Soon the crowd begins to applaud and I turn, seeing who I presume to be the band coming onto the stage. There's seven of them and the small stage is soon crowded. There's 4 men and 3 women who all take their spots. I lean into my friends ear and whisper.

"You didn't tell me they were all attractive". They just laugh at me, shaking their head.

The music is catchy and fun and I have a good time. After a while the people standing at the back like we are start to dance to the music. My friend and I look at each other and shrug, joining in and dancing around, probably looking really silly. I hear a chuckle echoing through one of the microphones and look up, it came from the keyboard player. Woah, talk about classically beautiful. His eyes graze over the dancers and then they meet mine. We make eye contact for what seems like ages before I break it, blushing slightly as I take my friends hand and spin them around. The show goes on and I keep feeling like I'm making random eye contact with Mr Sexy Keyboard Man throughout it. I brush it off as being nothing, he's probably just looking around the room.

What feels like ages later he leans into the microphone and speaks. It's one of the first times I had heard his voice clearly, not in sync with the others. He introduces the next song, something that he'd wrote called This is The Moment. Then he starts to sing, his head bobbing back and forth in an adorable way. He just looks like he's having the best time and it's so infectious. About halfway through the song we make eye contact once more. A couple more drinks throughout the show had made me slightly more confident, or maybe less controlled, so I hold the eye contact for longer. He doesn't break it either but continues to play and sing through the song without looking at what he's doing. A smile works itself onto his face as he sings and I can't help but smile back at him, I swear his smile grows bigger at that but it's hard to tell. The song ends faster than I expected and we finally break eye contact. I look down and take another sip of my drink, looking back at my friend. They raise their eyebrows at me and I shake my head at them, pushing them gently on the arm. Silently telling them to not say anything. The band starts up again for one final song and it goes by so fast I don't even know what I was thinking about. The band begins to run off stage and I turn to my friend.

"That was great!" I say to them

"It looked like you enjoyed it!" They said. I groaned but they continued speaking. "Nice long eye contact with Clark there, eh?" They elbowed me in the side gently. Clark I thought So that must be his name, it suits him.

"Shut up." I say "why don't we get another drink and then head home?". They agree and we move towards the bar again. I thought the audience would be clearing out but there was still quite a few people milling around. Soon people started clearing off the stage and I saw Clark walking back up and beginning to unplug his keyboard. I don't want to stare so I turn away and begin to talk about the show with my friend again. Suddenly we're approached by the curly haired woman from the band who must've been going around and talking to some of the people that were still there. She smiles at us warmly.

"Hi I'm Meredith" she says, we greet her and introduce ourselves, telling her how much we enjoyed the show. From there the conversation flows surprisingly easily and we stay talking with her for a while. Other people from her band join in, a guy who I find out is called Brian swings his arm Merediths shoulder. At this point there's 6 of us all in a circle chatting away, despite the fact it's really late.
That's when I see him jump off the stage out of the corner of my eye, his keyboard completely packed away now. He starts to walk over to the group and for some reason I feel my heart jump in my chest as I try to focus on what Lauren is saying to me. He sidles up beside her and stands waiting for her to finish her sentence. She does and then looks over at him grinning.

"Hey! Have you met Clark?" She asks me.

"Um no! Not yet. Hi Clark." I say, finally turning to face him fully. The man is beautiful. Like jaw dropping gorgeous, I think to myself as I extend my hand and introduce myself. Somehow managing to not seem like a complete idiot. He shakes my hand and the conversation picks up again. It's easy to get along with them all, they're all really hilarious. Clark is quieter than the others but what he says seems to matter in the conversation, it's hard to explain it but it just seems like everything he says drives the conversation a little bit further. He's also got the cutest laugh I think I've ever heard, I push these thoughts out of my head and soon it's time to leave, they're all quite tired from the show and we've still got a ways to go to get home. Before we go Lauren pulls out her phone.

"Do you have an Instagram or something?" She asks me "I want to send you that meme I told you about and then maybe we can also catch up sometime?" I nod my head and tell her my Instagram handle. My body turns towards Clark as he speaks up.

"Do you mind if I add you too?" He asks, almost seeming shy.

"No! Not at all" I say,"I'd like that" maybe a bit too enthusiastic for a response but, oh well it's too late now. He smiles and then puts my handle into his phone, I feel my phone buzz twice in my pocket alerting me to the new activity.

Lauren stands up and gives me a quick hug as she says goodbye, saying she'll message me that meme. I agree and then turn back to Clark, looking up at him. We stand there for a second, the conversation from my friend and the other band members quiet behind me as they say their goodbyes. I'm struggling for things to say.

"Um, it was really nice meeting you Clark!" I begin with that, just initiating something.

"Yeah you too! I'm glad you enjoyed the show." He says, smiling down at me as he leans against the bar slightly.

"I really did." I say and we fall into another silence, this one somehow slightly more comfortable than the first.

"Um, maybe you'd like to come to another show?" He asks timidly "you could come hang out with us beforehand? All of us. You and your friend too of course" he says that last part really fast, almost like it's an afterthought.

"I'd really like that" I say

"Great! Great" he says, almost relieved. "Um, why don't you let me know what show you want to come to, and then we can set up hanging out before hand" he says. I agree and he smiles really wide. He says that he should go and then reaches out his arms to hug me, just like Lauren did. I lean into him and hug him too, enjoying it maybe a little bit too much. He pulls away and smiles at me, saying goodbye to my friend before walking away. I look after him, already excited to see Mr Sexy Keyboard Man Clark again.

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