Dylan Saunders - I'll never let you go.

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The audience was absolutely loving the show so far. Standing off to the side of the stage I could hear the laughter as some of the cast rocked their way through 'Deck the Halls of Northville High' as I brushed down my costume scrubs. The song ends and I hear the audience chuckle as I know my boyfriend Dylan has popped out from behind the box that he had been lying behind. I hear him say his line and run out onto the stage, telling him to be careful and going into the scene. It's a lot of fun performing with him, seeing him throwing himself so fully into acting like someone he's so different from. I knew Starkid had a very special place in his heart and was absolutely thrilled when I was given the opportunity to be a part of something that he held so dearly. The words in the scene come naturally to us now, nearly halfway through the run of the show. The connection between us feels almost electric as our characters connect once more and bare their souls to one another. I feel him to turn to me and I mirror him as my eyes are glassy with the tears of my character. I can make out his expression as he begins to sing. It's a song between two characters much different to ourselves but the words seem to apply to us anyhow. As the song progresses we move closer to one another until I am wrapped in his arms.

"I'll never let you go" he sings and I join in, "I'll never let you go, I'll never let you go now" We hear Robert, Jaime, Lauren and Joey enter onto the stage behind us and we turn to face the audience. Dylan's arms are still wrapped around me as my back was pressed against his chest. As the others kept singing I slowly turn to face him, his face softens as I look up at him and place my hands on his chest. We stare at each other for a couple seconds until we hear the music stop. Then I lean in and kiss him, only partly hearing the screams and cheers from the crowd. Kissing him on stage was slightly awkward at first. We aren't a showy couple at all and tend to keep ourselves to ourselves. In fact, we had been dating for nearly a year before we'd told the fans about it and even now, a whole 2 years after that we're still pretty quiet about it. However, it became like second nature. We pull away and sing the remainder of the song before we join in a kiss again. I blush slightly as we work together to unbutton his shirt before I lie down behind the box that's placed on the stage, dragging him down with me, out of view of the audience. We are lying down, him partially on top of me as Robert and Jaime begin their mini-scene. He smiles down at me, his eyes were glinting as he places a soft kiss to my lips and I run  my fingers through his messy hair. We have to remain quiet as our mics are still on but I can tell that we're both enjoying the moment of peace in an otherwise hectic show.
Robert and Jaime finish their scene and Dylan pushes himself away from me, looking towards the audience and shouting. "This is the best movie ever!" I bite my lip, restraining a laugh as I pull him back down towards me and the lights dim. He jumps off of me and offers me his hand, pulling me up before we leave the stage so Jeff can begin the next scene. We run off of the stage together and he gives my hand a squeeze.

"Nice one" he says, once we know it's safe to talk.
"You too." I answer, giving him a quick peck on the lips since nobody is paying any attention to us. He kisses me a little bit deeper and then we begin to get ready for our next scenes.

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