I slowly and carefully peeled off the wrapping, handling it like it was the most delicate thing in the world. Past the silver wrapping was a silver box. I lifted the lid and looked inside. In there, was a beautiful silver necklace with a crescent moon with a circle next to it. Inside the circle was a silhouette of a wolf standing tall and proud with a crown marking on its chest.

"No way..." Nathan gasped in awe, looking closer at the necklace.


"That's a sacred royal necklace! There are only a few of these in the world! They are bonded to a certain person and no other person can touch it. They are like a sign to the world that you are royal blood and family. It is said that there is a way to call for help through this necklace." Nathan explained, pointing at it but never touching it.

"Wait, what do you mean no one can touch it?"

"It is made of real silver. But the thing is, it was specially made for one person. That one person can touch it and it wouldn't harm them but anyone else who tries will get burned." I looked down at the beautiful necklace. I slowly reached out a grazed the tip of the finger on it, when I didn't feel anything, I touched it slightly. Nathan reached his hand in and brushed his finger just barely on the silver and hissed in pain. I jumped and grabbed his hand, looking at the finger. There, on the tip where he touched, was a small red blister.

I carefully picked up the necklace and examined it closer.

"Your father had a sacred royal necklace bond to your DNA... that's so cool. That's why it seemed to hum. It's magical." I carefully clipped it on myself since I knew Nathan couldn't. It clipped somewhat easily behind my head and hung nicely around my neck.

"It's beautiful." I whispered, looking closer at it.

"It is, just like you." I felt my cheeks heat up.

"What does the werewolf code thing mean on the back of the card?" I asked, reaching over and grabbing it off the table. I flipped it over and looked at the symbols. Nathan looked too.

"It says, 'My dear Bailey. If you are reading this, that means you are with a pack! Congratulations! I'm sorry I haven't been with you your whole life. I had to leave to protect you and your mother. As you might have figured out from your mother, she is my one and only love and mate. You may have also pieced together that I am the king of werewolves and you are the princess, the future leader. Once you have found your mate, come to the castle. Your training as king and queen will begin and you will get the throne. If you don't show by the time you turn 22, I will know you either have turned down the thrown or you don't know the werewolf world or code. I miss you my little howler. I will hopefully see you in the near future. -Your father, The King of Werewolves."

"Th-the throne? Me? A queen? I don't think I can be a lune, let alone a queen!! This is all going to fast! Too many things at once!" Nathan set down the note and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's ok Angel, we don't need to think of this right now. We have quite a few more years until we have to make a decision." He said softly. I nodded my head. "Let's just take it one step at a time, together. Ok?"


"I won't push you to do anything you don't want. I just want you to be happy." I nodded again. We both sat in silence, lost in our thoughts. Suddenly I heard Nathan's stomach growl loudly, vibrating my whole body. I giggled and noticed how Nathan's face became very red with embarrassment.

Awwwww... he's blushing!

"Let's go eat." I said, standing up. "Maybe I can meet your friends? To get my mind off everything else."

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