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Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had left Cloud Recesses three days ago.

They had gone on there post-wedding trip. Thought to where no one was totally sure. They had just gone on a trip.

All the guests had left, leaving the Lan's to themselves. That was nice. The Lan's were a quite group though Lan Qiren had given that up as soon as he brought back Wei Ying and the flute of death.

Yes, he is, in fact, childish enough to call it that. Wei Ying had greatly improved his skills upon playing. But when he started, oh no, Baoshan Sanren thought her ears would never fully recover from the extensive damage done in that week. 

Baoshan Sanren had left the day Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had. She assured her grandson and great-grandson that she would visit soon, but she had some 'things' to take care of. Auspicious as usual. No one knew of her whereabouts or what she did in her free time.

Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi had been spending more time with each other after there confession. Lan Xichen thought they were worse than Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, even after the separation. Under no circumstances did anyone have the right to be that gooey about someone. Lan Xichen, the self-declared "love enthusiast," almost could not take the amount of sweetness rolled out of the two like thick clouds of vapor.

Wen Ning had been given permanent residence in the clan. He and the clan doctor Lan Zhi had become quick friends. Wen Ning already knowing a thing or two about doctors. It made him feel closer to Wen Qing. He knew that she was gone, but that did not mean that he could not keep the tradition alive.

Wen Ning had found out that Sizhui was an excellent healer himself. No one thought it wise to bring up the boy's heritage, so for now, he would remain a Lan.

Jiang Yanli had returned home with Jin Ling. He had been achingly quiet these last few days. Yanli thought it was something to do with meeting everyone so quickly.

Jiang Cheng, oh the soft-hearted fool, had accidentally spilled how he felt to Nie Huaisang. Gladly the man had returned his affections, and two were in a steady romance. Well, constant, meaning a three-day-old one.

Nie Huaisang was not the only one who found love. His brother also got lucky to find someone who would make him happy for the rest of his life. She was everything he needed, but also achingly fierce just like him. She needed no man to protect her, and she let him know that.

Lan Qiren was drinking tea.

And more tea.

And more tea.

And more tea.

It was how he dealt with everything well. After all, this was a lot to spring on an older man. He knew the hard part was over. But still, he feared and with reason. Some of the smaller clans had left the wedding in a rage. Though all for different reasons. Some thinking that marriage between two men was wrong and other enraged of the return of Wei Ying.

It was stupid and petty, really. Lan Qiren knew that he could have the entirety of those clans, sorry they ever messed with the Lan Clan. But he also knew this might create talk and make people believe that Wei Ying has turned the Lan's into his own obedient servants.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were simply enjoying life. They were now married, and they figured that was the best life could ever get. They already had the best kid in the world. They lived in one of the most beautiful places ever, and they had a family that supported them. No matter how dysfunctional.

It was late on the third evening of there endeavoring when IT happened.

Lan Zhan had left Wei Ying alone for ONE MINUTE. He had gone to do some shopping, and Wei Ying was looking at something else.

Never had he thought he would lose his precious Wei Ying? But when he came back, his lover was gone.

He asked around, trying to see if anyone else had seen him.

He had no luck.

That's when he heard it In a small back path filled with dirt a whimper.

And dogs.

At least five or six large barking dogs. They were nipping at a man in black and red robes. Lan Zhan called off the dogs with a whip of his robes.

" Oh, Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said as he cradled the young man in his arms. Wei Ying was shaking and crying.

Lan Zhan had known that Wei Ying had a slight fear of dogs. The man jumped at the mere mention of them. One time when the two were in Lotus Pier together, they had heard a dog bard, and Wei Ying had shot so far up Lan Zhan thought he was going to sprout wings and fly.

" D-dogs gone," Wei Ying said clearly exhausted from his little endeavor.

" Mn," is the response Lan Zhan gives him, and with that, he straightens up to full height and carries Wei Ying back to the inn they are staying at. Knowing Wei Ying would want to nap after the encounter.

" Dog's," Lan Zhan muttered. Adding that to the mental list of things to have added to the rules.

True to this thought about five months later, there is a new rule at cloud recesses. No dogs permitted to enter or be mentioned in cloud recesses.

Authors Note.

It's Wednesday, my dudes.

Thank you all for sticking with me and reading this that means the world to me. Thank you...

I hope all of you guys stay healthy and safe during this crisis.

Thank you again.

Love you guys.

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