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The wedding invitations were sent out.

Jiang Cheng got one and immediately got mad. Lan Wangji was getting married. Had he forgotten? Jiang Cheng slapped the invitation down. 

     "A-Cheng, what troubles you," Jiang Yanli asks in her soothing sweet voice, her eyes blown wide with confusion.

     " Lan Wangji is getting married. How dare he. HE HAS NO RIGHT," Jiang Cheng fumed, looking back at the white and teal trimmed invitation. His eyes scanned the paper looking for the name of the person who the Haunguan-Jun would mary. 

     " Oh my, do you think it is an arranged marriage," Yanli asks. Jiang Cheng's eyes shoot up the fire, blazing brightly in them.

Who was this man to think he could marry someone? He was not allowed happiness, not after...

Jiang Cheng pinched his eyes shut. His temper had been out of control since that night. When he thought he had lost Yanli and when he killed HIM.

Yanli watched the conflict in her brother's eyes; she knew he blamed himself, and she didn't entirely disagree with him doing that. But she also knew her A-Ying had not been happy, so she hoped that wherever he was that he was happy.

She never blamed Wei Ying for anything that happened to her. Mainly because after the fight, they found someone who had meddled with all of Wei Ying's tricks, causing him to lose control of them. She knew that was not his fault. As for the loss of her loving husband. She mourned and tried her best to move on. Sometimes it still hurt, and she saw so much of him in her precious Jin Ling.

Jin Ling was also just like his uncle Jiang Cheng. Yanli wished he had some of Wei Ying's personality. Though she was grateful, he was not reckless, just like him.

She tried to tell Jin Ling the good stories about his uncle, the moments that he was a hero. But Jin Ling only ever seemed to focus on the fact that Wei Ying had killed his father.

Jiang Cheng had never been the same since that night. His eyes were dull, and sometimes he just stood still like he was stone. His eyes would mist over, and he would lean heavily on things around him. He tried not to let it show. 

He had not uttered HIS name since that night. He couldn't bring himself to the earth-shattering realization that he was really gone. It had been easier to think he had run away with Lan Wangji, and they had fallen in love.

But whenever he heard his sworn brother's name, he could see his eyes, the blood, the loss of hope. But most horrifyingly, he could see the relief that washed over him as he fell. Saw him except that he was going to die, and he didn't look scared, and that killed Jiang Cheng.

Some nights he could so vividly remember Lan Wangji's yell for him. It plagued his mind milled over in his head until he was screaming apologies at walls.

He lived with this regret and pain every day. So how dare Lan Wangji think he could mary anther person. How could Lan Wangji love another? There was no one compatible with him. The boy that loved Wangji more than life itself.

Jiang Cheng fumed, and Ziden crackled around his hand. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself.

Jin Ling watched from a distance. He watched while his Uncle fumed, he was honestly a bit confused. Why would it matter if the Huangan-Jun got married? Was his uncle in love with the second young master? He had heard stories that the two went way back to when they were his age.

      " Jin Ling," his mother called he turned to her voice.

      " Yes," he said a bit hesitantly after being caught watching his uncle.

      " Leave Uncle Cheng alone, he is... upset," Yanli said, leaving a perfect opening for Jin Ling to ask.

      " Why is Uncle so upset about Huangan-Jun's marriage," He watched his mother's face cloud over like it always did when she talked about the Yiling Patriarch. 

      " Huangan-Jun was very close to A-Ying, and it makes your uncle upset that Huangan-Jun is putting that behind him to marry someone else," Yanli said softly stroking Jin Ling's hair.

      " Wait, you mean Haungan-Jun and the Yiling Patriarch were together," Jin Ling said. His nose crinkled at the thought of the fuddy-duddy liking anyone. His mother's eyebrows drew together. He knew she disliked when he called him the Yiling Patriarch, but he couldn't say his name. 

     " It was complicated, so obvious to so many. But those two always liked dancing around fate. They were thrown into so many trials but still came out intact. Haungan-Jun faced criticism from his own uncle for befriending A-Ying. A-Ying got told many times he was not worthy of Lan Wangi's help. But they had some sort of gravitational pull. Much like soulmates, I suppose," his mother said. Jin Ling took it in. Why would someone like the Second young master put so much energy into someone who only disgraced him?

It made sense if he loved the Yiling Patriarch, then he would most definitely do anything to stay by his side. But was the Yiling Patriarch capable of feelings? He was a cold-hearted killer.

That would never change to Jin Ling, no matter what.

Oh, how fate would laugh at that comment and drag it through the mud.

Authors note.

This is late. I'm terrible.

I'm working on a new story, and it is so close to being ready to upload.

It's a spiderman one. So if anyone is interested ill have that up in a few days. It is a collection of one-shots. 

Anywho, what do you think of this chapter let me know? I thought I should let everyone see how Jiang Cheng is handling it. 

Honestly, I was going to make him angry and bitter, but I couldn't do it. Like I need them to have a good realtionship because I honestly love them.

Have a great day/night.

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