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Lan Zhan was worried for the wellbeing of the boy tucked in his arms. Wei Ying had fainted at least three times in the past two hours. He looked utterly drained.

    " Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said as soon as he woke up the final time. 

    " Mn," comes the expected response. 

    " Wen Ning," he mumbles incoherently.

    " What about Wen Ning," Lan Zhan asks carefully. 

Wei Ying gasps for air, looking like he is about to faint. 

    " Lan Zhi," Lan Xichen calls fervently. Wei Ying's body was seizing uncontrollably. 

Lan Zhi comes running into the room full speed. He is carrying a book.

    " I think I know what is happening," he says, pointing to the book like it held all the answers to life. 

    " What," Lan Xichen says. The book is black with golden trim, not something that you would usually find in a place like cloud reassess. Lan Zhi flips pages until he lands on a page that is filled with an image on one side and a page full of words describing something. 

    " Because young master Wei gave away his golden core and was such a strong cultivator when he started practicing demonic cultivation, it did something to his body. It is starting to rebuild his core, but it will not be a golden core because it is formed of darker cultivation," he pauses briefly to let it sink in. " But because young mater Wei well, um, died his body is just now reacting, making it harsher on him. He is going through change rapidly," Lan Zhi pauses again, looking around at the people in the room. 

    " He will not be evil," Lan Qiren asks. 

Lan Zhi hesitates,

    " For now, no one knows, this is the first time in recorded history something like this has ever happened. There is only one way for it to happen, but I do not fully understand how," he trails off, everyone looks at him curiously.

    " What do you mean," Lan Xichen asks.

    " Someone has to give it to him; it does not just start to build; that is why it had never been done. There was no one to do it," everyone takes the information in. Wei Ying is in a state of barely conscience. But conscience enough to listen.

The room was silent.

    " Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said though it was said more like a question, and Wei Ying understood.

    " No, I don't know," Wei Ying said, his tone was drowsy. 

Lan Qiren was suddenly regretting this. Not even a full day, and there were already issues.

The doors to the jingshi slid open. A short, lean woman stood in the doorway.

Her robes were achingly similar to Wei Ying's own red and black ones. Oh, what he would give to have those back. Wei Ying had decided white was NOT his color.

She had a regal face. She held it aloof. Her eyes were cold and piercing. Wei Ying had a feeling he had seen her before. Her hair had long streaks of grey in it, but it was black other than that. 

    " I did," she said, looking directly at Wei Ying. Then Wei Ying knew where she looked familiar form.

    " Baoshan Sanren," he whispered she nodded. 

    " Wei Wuxian, back from the dead," she said, entering. Wei Ying stood to greet her. His face was covered in a thin layer of sweat. " I healed him when he fell into the burial grounds," she said, looking at Wei Ying like he was a piece of artwork.

    "Why," Wei Ying asked memories from the burial ground were hazy; he couldn't remember everything.

    " Because I knew who you are, you would have died in the burial grounds without," she said, finally leveling eyes with Lan Zhan. He met her cold eyes with his own icy face. 

    " Is he going to be evil," Lan Zhan said, jaw clenched in an effort to keep cool.

   " No," is all she said.

Wei Ying was wondering if he just imagined her there. His grandma stood in front of him. It was surreal. Then she smiled. 

Lan Zhan almost fell over. It was Wei Ying's lopsided grin. Her demeanor was so severe he did not expect her to share that trait with him. Wei Ying shot one back his cheeks bunching sweetly.

    " Thank you," Lan Qiren said. 

The room fell into a stunned silence.

Lan Xichen schooled his face into one of indifference, but on the inside, he was freaking out.

Lan Zhi looked ready to fall over. 

Lan Zhan's mouth fell open before he quickly remembered his discipline, and he closed it.

Baoshan Sanren nodded her eye's seemed to smile. 

Wei Ying teared up. Did that mean Lan Qiren liked him? 

    " So I was not hallucinating," Wei Ying said, sounding relieved.

Baoshan Sanren looked at Wei Ying, and her expression hardened. " No, you were in a coma for six days. I took that time to heal all the wounds I could you had so many," Lan Zhan turned to Wei Ying worried. " Then I tried to give you spiritual energy and found you had no core, no grandson of mine wouldn't have a core, so I immediately dove into your memories to find the reason why. When I learned what you did, I knew how to fix it, so I did," 

Lan Zhan smiled, Wei Ying had that effect on people. He could make anyone do anything for him with a simple smile. 

     " You can just go through people's memories," Lan Xichen asks Baoshan Sanren nods. Lan Xichen looks thoughtful for a moment. " Could you help us," he then asks.

Baoshan Sanren raises her eyebrows. " Help you," she copies. Lan Xichen nods.

    " Please," Lan Qiren asked.

The room was again engulfed in dead silence.

    " Fine," she said, her voice tilted like she thought something was funny. Lan Zhan basked in how similar she was to his Wei Ying. 

Wei Ying was beginning to feel dizzy and overwhelmed.

Authors note. 

Let me know in the comments if you like this. 

Have a great day/night.

Thank you for reading !!!!

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