So, Yea, my Grandma is sorta badass...

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The tension was so palpable that Lan Zhan thought he could cut it with Bichen if he wanted to. Nobody dares to move or say anything.


Baoshan Sanren, of course. She stood in all her glory. Wei Ying was like her in that sense. They just drew people in.

"Who is that," a girl from a small clan asks.

" Baoshan Sanren, Wei Wuxian's grandmother," is the calm response Baoshan Sanren gives. If the crowd could look more shocked, they did. But considering the fact that the Yiling Patriarch was back from the dead and so was Wen Ning apparently, nothing really surprised them.

" We brought him back because he was destined to come back sooner or later," Baoshan Sanren says. Nobody knew what she was talking about. She had a way with words. 

" Cheng-Cheng didn't you kill him," an annoyingly high pitched voice said. Jiang Cheng roles his eyes. ( When isn't he rolling his eyes tho)

" The Yiling Patriarch is back; he is not here to kill anyone. He is here to get married and live the rest of his life in a gay fairyland," a voice said. At this, the crowd did look shocked. Not because of the words. But because of who had spoken them.

Lan Qiren.

Wei Ying choked on air.

Lan Xichen had to fight a laugh.

Lan Zhan bit his cheek to stop the smile.

Jiang Cheng was purple in the face.

Jiang Yanli looked ready to throw rainbows.

Wen Ning just looked confused.

Nie Huaisang was looking longingly at Jiang Cheng.

Lan Sizhui was preoccupied... With a crying Lan Jingyi.

Jingyi had started crying at the point were Lan Qiren had made his particularly riveting speech about living in a gay fairyland. 

Baoshan Sanren looked hardly amused. But her eyes did shine with light.

" So, you're just going to let this killer walk around like he did nothing," a man said. It was not Lan Qiren who spoke up this time. 

" My dad is no killer," Lan Sizhui's voice cried out. Jingyi had stopped his sobbing for a moment to squeeze Sizhui's hand for a moment. To give him courage. 

Lan Xichen may or may not have had a smirk on his face. He knew his next journal entry.

The word dad rippled through the crowd. 

"The Yiling Patriarch has a kid," 

" A child,"

Were common things being thrown around at the moment.

Wen Ning's eyes were glued to Sizhui's face.

This could not be?

All of the Wen Clan was exterminated. 

This boy is a Lan; there is no way.

But Wen Ning knew there was something overwhelmingly familiar about this boy.

"Enough," Baoshan Sanren finally says. " We are here for a wedding, and so a wedding will happen. I have seen the alternate path if this was not the one. Mark my words, the Yiling Patriarch was bound to return sooner or later. Thank the gods who bestowed this happy ending upon you. There are far more retched paths to walk in this life," She paused as everyone took in her words. " There was a chance that many of you would have died. An innocent turned bitter by an evil will, a lover betrayed, a brother broken, and one who faces a fate far worse than death. Be grateful that is not what is to happen," Baoshan Sanren says. Her tone and demeanor were calm. 

Everyone seemed to have nothing to say after that. 

What could they say? 

Hey, sorry we called you a murderer. Can we be friends now? I'll try not to kill you.

One thing was for certain at that moment, though.

" My grandma is sorta badass," Wei Ying says with a snicker and a smile. 

Lan Zhan just looks at him fondly.

Baoshan Sanren heard and just gave a slightly haughty 'hmph' in return.

Authors note.

I hope you liked this chapter. It is short, but I'm working on something spectacular with someone spectacular.

Thank you for continuing to read. I hope you are staying happy and healthy.

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