Part Three

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I awoke in Powderbelly's den. Silentkit, Honeykit, & my Mother were beside me. The respected Medicine-cat was near the back of the den sorting herbs, or something on those lines.

Silentkit smiled to me as I groaned & tried to sit up. Honeykit then leaned forward & gently pushed me back to lie down again while mewing. "Don't' try to move too fast right away. You don't want to re-open any wounds. Powderbelly has your wounds wrapped, Ravenkit."

I looked down to myself, Honeykit was right. I had wrappings of leaves around my waist & I could feel a shiver of pain run through my body while gazing to Silentkit. "W-What happened?"

SIlentkit looked to my Mother with a sad expression, my Mother looked as if she would start to tear up, but then Silentkit finally speaks to answer my question. My ears had to flick upwards to hear his near silent voice.

"An Eagle almost got Darkkit, then it almost got you, Ravenkit. In fact- you were right into its talons. Father & I were into the area when I heard you" Silentkit's eyes moved to each of our faces before finally landing onto me. He then speaks again, fluffy-tail pulling to the side of him as he sat.

"I alerted my Dad that I heard your voice & we dashed through a bush, you were all right on the other side. Father & I didn't hesitate to attack the bird, we happened to be on higher grounds. I thought Dad would be upset with me for joining the attack, but he really wasn't. I-I just couldn't see you get taken like that, Ravenkit. I couldn't let that ugly bird get you."

I felt my heart soften as my gaze to Silentkit did too. I couldn't believe he had risked his life for me. I couldn't believe that he heard my voice & that he had come for me. 'What if they weren't there. Would that bird have gotten me?' I wondered in horror, but my heart was swelling with appreciation.

My Father's voice is then heard at the entrance of Powderbelly's den, it makes every cat dart their eyes to his direction. My Father stood proud with his chin tilted high, a look of worry into his eyes for my condition, but he ultimately looked towards Silentkit with a humbled smile & meowed, "Thank you, Silentkit. I was wrong about you."-


Unsure of what time it was from within Powderbelly's den, I blinked my green-eyes hard into the direction of the dens mouth. I had been healing in the den for what seemed like days now & I was relieved to have the leaf wrappings off of my body.

Powderbelly had been treating the wounds onto my back that had been made from the talons of the eagle. The wounds were nearly all healed, but some soreness still remained. Powderbelly looks over to my direction from the depths of her den; a smile was onto the Medicine-cats lips.

"Ravenkit, do you think that you're feeling well enough for a walk around camp? You have been cooped up in here for a while now; I hear the others kits have been asking about you. Why don't you run along & get some fresh air."

I turned my vision to Powderbelly with a bashful smile onto my face. "It had been so nice spending time with you while healing, Powderbelly- but if you insist. You know best, Mama always says."

Powderbelly's white tail pats onto my back before I would start to head out. The shecat Medicine-cat was as kind as she was gentle. Mother had entrusted Powderbelly with her care over me, Mother was sure to visit me in the den every other heartbeart- or so it seemed to me anyway. Father on the other paw had been keeping busy with his usual patrol & hunting duties.

It was nearing the end of the Newleaf season, the weather was starting to grow very hot, and I found myself wanting to stay inside the coolness of dens & shade more often. A buzzing sound is heard from high within the pine trees as I pad into camp, a very slight limp into my step.

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