Part One

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'Finally, I can get out & play without Mama's constant watch'. I thought with blinking eyes, vision staring out to the other kits playing outside of the Nursery. Folding my ears back, green-eyes glimmering, my Mother then called from near the back of the den, a slight giggle in her tone while she gave reminders. "Ravenkit, you be nice playing with the other kits & don't wander too far off."

'Yeah-yeah, I know.' I huffed to myself, attitude showing in the movements of my small-tail, green-eyes rolling. Bursting into a full-out run, I started my way to the other kits. Shadowsun, my Mother, remains within the Nursery, attentive eyes looking outward. Mother was very small in her frame compared to that of the Queen she sat beside, a dark-fluffy shecat known as Moonstep.

"That kit of mine, she's a rambunctious one." Mother laughed to Moonstep, shaking her head, her pointed-ears flopping a bit. Moonstep had joined into the laughter, her head propping backwards as her long-fur ruffles. "I understand completely, Dear. I can say the same for my Son, Cinderpaw. As a kit, he would not stay still for a heartbeat if I was trying to clean him. When I can-I still try to give him a good cleaning. You know Cinderpaw; he's too grown to have time with me now."

Mother laughed on for a while longer with the other Queen, they chatted about old times when they were just falling for their mates, Bearclaw & Ravenheart. They were not the closest growing up, but they would often take the time to speak of their kits-futures, Cinderpaw & I. Both Mothers were very excited for their young to become warriors one day & that day was soon approaching for Cinderpaw. I have been told that the sheer thought of me becoming a warrior, would bring a proud glimmer to my Mothers eyes.

While the two shecats chatted, My Father was off hunting on a patrol. Both Bearclaw & Ravenheart were very trusted warriors within Shadowclan, both of them ordered to join this patrol. My Father was known as one of the best warriors within Shadowclan, such a fact warmed the heart of my Mother.

My fur glistened & shined in the sun while my tiny-paws carried me closer to a group of kits. My green-eyes lit up when I saw a few of them batting around a Mossball.

'That looks fun!' I recall thinking while observing with widening eyes. A few eyes turn to look in my direction & I notice the many different colours of eyes that were now staring at me. Tilting my head with curiousness, I spot a peculiar set of orbs looking at me, their vision seemed to hold a certain shyness.

"Hello, I'mmm Ravenkit, my Mama & Papa are letting me play today without their supervision. Mama says to be nice to the other kits, so, what's your name?" I practically sang into the air while looking to the gold-kit, my whiskers twitched with excitement. My bright green-gaze then swish towards the Mossball. It had been hit hard by an older kit's strong paw, sending the ball flying through the air. I recall hearing a few kits call out, 'Go, Silentkit! Go!' Many kits oo'd & awed at the flying Mossball. It was sure a terrific hit.

"Woeh! Who tossed that one!? What a hit!" I suddenly blurted out, feeling overly interested into the game. I wanted to learn how to play. Turning my attention back to the striped gold-kit, I saw her expression was still, but it slowly smoothed out to kindness.

"My name is Honeykit; it's nice to meet you Ravenkit. That's splendid that your parents let you come out alone, this is my fourth time out alone. A few Queens are always watching over us, I hear, so we are always safe."Honeykit's voice was soft & even somewhat calming, I had spoken to a few kits in the Nursery, but Honeykit by far seemed like the nicest so far. It made a glittering-grin flash onto my expression.

"Honeykit!? What a great name. It sounds sweet. Hey, look at our fur & sizes. Were both pretty sleek & small, isn't that cool? We could be friends!" My energy was a bit fanatic at that age; I liked to talk a lot.

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