Chapter 38: Beauxbatons takes on Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

Thankfully for us, there was still a line of students waiting to get onto the carriage so we had yet to miss the ride. After a quick look at the number detailed on the side of the blue wood, I realized that said carriage was the same one used to fly the French students to school each term.

"It must be the biggest carriage they have," Marie said back logically. "Or it's just the best kept one."

"You mean the suspicious renovation from last year that none of us have seen yet?" I asked, gaining a nod back.

"Do you really think they knew about this school bonding trip back then?" Rosalie asked curiously. Her eyes were ahead of us, watching Benoît giving the students a once over with her list of names allowed onboard. Toward the back end of the carriage I could see house elves dragging students bags into the trunk. Oliver and the rest of the animals went into the carriage from a different route.

"I just don't know what I'm going to do without you with me this year!" Gisele cried as she rushed to hug Jacqueline as we neared Benoît.

"Gisele. There's no need for this. Calm down."

"How can you be so calm about this? You were dreading being stuck here!"

"Deep breaths," Rosalie reminded her with a calming pat as Gisele released Jacqueline from her hug. Gisele was started to get red again from tears but we had reached our turn with Benoît so she simmered down to avoid a scene.


"Madam, you know our names!" I said smartly only to get a steal gaze back to check myself.

"Titia Marie De Vries," Marie said, stepping up. Madam Benoît gave my friend a once over before checking the list and ruefully dashed out the name with her wand.

"Very good, De Vries, you may proceed. Just remember about your posture on your trip. It still needs work." Marie gave us a comical look before walking into the carriage.

Mila was next followed by Ana who clung to her friends arm like a sloth to a tree branch. When she was ripped from said slumber it took Benoît a full minute just to reorient her student.

"It's a miracle you made it here on time at all, Ana Bakker! I should hope you would not interact in such a manner in front of our hosts. Could only imagine what you will show against Beuxbatons."

If Ana had been in her usual mood, she probably would have talked back, however, Ana was still half asleep so the words just rolled from one ear and out another before she walked to the carriage and entered.

Gisele and I waited alongside Jacqueline while Rosalie did her best to speak in clean French to a frowning Benoît.

"You promise to write to me if I write to you?" Gisele was asking her friend, who was paying little attention. Instead her eyes were fixed on our headmistress who came walking up behind us, classic and sophisticated in nature.

"Don't worry Gisele, I'll be fine," was all Jacqueline said, though her expression on her face said otherwise. She seemed on edge, her good naturedness from earlier was now gone.

"Mademoiselles if you could please not idle, we have a schedule to keep which we are already behind on!" Benoît exclaimed, causing Gisele to quickly rush forward.

"That you are right, Madam Benoît. Though I assume these are the last of our students to board?" Madam Maxime said in her low voice as she stepped around Jacqueline and I and turned to look down at Benoît's list of names. Gisele was trying very hard not to cry in the midst of this.

"There seems to be two girls missing, Madam," Benoît said with authority. "Other than the other two I've yet to mark," she added, nodding to us. Maxime made a tsking noise before ascending into the carriage ahead of Gisele who after being waved ahead by Benoît gave Jacqueline a last hug before disappearing inside.

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