Chapter 6: When the Demons Wins

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Tamera and Sara both smiled at each other as some of the student began to surround them.

"You don't mind the audience, do you? We could go to a more private area." Tamera suggested.

"No thanks. I don't mind them at all." Sara replied.

Tamera nodded as her smile disappeared and she enter battle mode.

"I don't know what kind of crystalite she has. I should go full force and knock her out the circle, but she may have a crystalite to counter mine. I gotta approach this fight carefully." She strategized.

She quickly took a step forward and rushed over to Sara. She took one hard swing at her, with was simply blocked by Sara's forearm. Sara saw her opening and went for an attack but was stopped as Tamera flipped in the air. She tried to connect a kick on Sara from above, but was met by another block. Sara pushed off of Tamera to catch some room, then quickly rushed her. Tamera quickly landed and began dodging all of Sara's attacks and tried throwing her own punches. As they traded blow for blow, Tamera began to notice a pink aura emitting for Sara's fist as they flew pass her. She then noticed that each of her hits being blocked cause a slight, pink ripple around Sara's arms. Slowly adding the pieces together, Tamera quickly summoned her gauntlets and punched at Sara with all her might. Falling into her trick, Sara blocked the punch. Tamera smirked as she charged up her gauntlets.

"Air Released Level 1" She announced before a burst of air forced her fist harder into Sara. The seer force caused the mysterious pink barrier around Sara to shatter as she flew backwards. She quickly recovered from the punch as Tamera smiled at her.

"So that's your trick, huh? A nearly invisible barrier able to absorb damage?" Tamera guessed. "Gotta say, that's a new one. You must have good control of your energy to be able to surround your body in it... which could only means that you are a energy user. Am I right?"

"Partially. My barrier isn't invisible, it's in a weakened state. The brighter my barrier, the more powerful it is." Sara explained her ability.

"I see. So, I just gotta hit it really really hard and I can shatter it?"

"You can try, but at full power, my barrier is unbreakable." Sara gloated.

"We'll see about that. Your impenetrable defense versus my destructive offense."

"I assure you, these barriers has more uses than just defending."

Tamera punched her fist together before boosting towards Sara, who quickly placed a pink energy barrier in front of her. Tamera attempted to punch through it, yet wasn't able to break through it. She quickly sidestepped to continue her pursuit at Sara, but was immediately cut off by another barrier. This continued as Tamera rotated around Sara, trying to close in on her. Frustrated, Tamera boosted into the air and straight down at her foot first. Sara covered herself with a orbital barrier, yet Tamera only boosted faster downward. Her feet collided with the barrier, yet still didn't leave a scratch.

"Dang it." She thought as she hopped back into the air. She clenched her fist as she began building up air in her gauntlets. Once her body began to float in the air, she boosted directly down towards Sara at high speeds. Within a blink of an eye, she slammed her fist into the barrier, cracking it. Sara eyes widen as while Tamera smiled.

"Air Released Level 3" Tamera yelled as she released the built up air from her gauntlet. With that boost, she completely shattered the barrier. Sara retreated but was met by a punch from Tamera. They began to trade blows with each other, yet Sara soon realized she was outmatched compared to Tamera's speed and strength. After she blocked one of her punches, she pushed away and formed a wall in between them.

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