Why this story is Cancelled

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This version of X-Ranked has been cancelled so everything read will be Retcon once I begin to revise the story line. The reason behind this is due to the direction I had planned to take the story. I started this story when I was 15(The original concept was created when I was 12) and between many breaks and other projects, it became a problem keeping track of all of the ridiculous concept I implemented. Originally supposed to be for 12+, This series was supposed to be a trilogy and was going to have a sequel trilogy that would've grown along with the reader, straying away for the (somewhat) censored version I was writing.

As I continued to try and maintain this story though, I soon realized the best bet is to just retcon everything that I have now and begin to remaster the story. There are a few thing that will be changes that I want to list off...

•All of the students within the schools will all be 18+, meaning Seto Academy will now become called Seto University.

•Though it's only 8 chapters, the story told will share the same elements, but be completely different. Those few chapters gave important details for some characters that may remain and be altered, or be completely removed.

•I want to try to do a chapter a week or every 2 weeks. As long as I've been editing this timeline, I am ready to push out the first book.

I will be linking the Remastered version once I have dropped my first chapter(Chapter dropping Every Friday/ every other Friday). Until then, feel free to read what this story has or check out my other stories.


X-Ranked ( Incomplete/Retcon)Where stories live. Discover now