Chapter 4: Keeping Enemies Closer

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Jordan and his friend took off their weighted equipment while Sabrina stood patiently waiting on the other side.

"I feel so much lighter." Jordan said happily.

"Those weights did a number on my back though." Sabri said as she began stretching.

"We're gonna need a plan of attack if we wanna win this." Tamera told them as she dropped her weights outside of the square.

"Here's a plan: You all throw yourselves at her and while she's kicking your ass, I'll go in and knock her out." Jax suggested. They all looked at him with mean looks.

"This isn't a time for jokes." Terra yelled at him.

"I wasn't joking." Jax said cracking his neck and walking away from them.

They all ignored him as they continued to stretch.

"Anyways, she obvious a weapon user so if we get her sword away from her, then we may stand a chance. Most weapon users are useless once they lose their weapons." Tamera planned out.

"What's that supposed to me?" Terra asked, feeling insulted.

"No offense to you of course, but if we take her sword out of the equation, we win." She simplified it. They all nod in agreement as they step forward with Jax.

Chris walked in between them and Sabrina.

"You all ready to fight?" He asked them.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Jordan answered for them all.

Chris glanced over at Sabrina. "Try not to beat them too bad."

"Way to encourage your student." Tamera yelled at him.

"Don't worry Chris. I won't even draw my sword." She told him.

They all weren't ready for the revelation.

"She's fighting without her sword? There's no way." Tamera worried.

"Maybe you should of came up with a better plan." Jax shunned her. Chris raised his hand in the air.

"On my mark, the fight can began." He yelled out loud. Tamera and Terra summoned their weapons as Jax burst into lightning and Sabri's hands glowed green. Jordan looked at all of them.

"All your power ups make me look basic, so thanks for that." Jordan said as he got in his fighting stance.

"Begin." Chris yelled as he jumped out the square.
Jax's body was consumed with lightning as he glided directly towards her. Sabrina smiled as he vanished and appeared behind her.

"Piercing Lightning" He said as he swung at her. Without turning around, Sabrina pulled her sword out it's holder just enough to reveal the blade.

"Absorb" She softly spoke as Jax's lightning was sucked into the blade. She aimed her holder at him and pushed it into his chest. She pushed her sword back into the holder, forcing the holder deeper in his chest. Jax gasped for air as he fell backwards out of the square.

"Jackson Roden has been eliminated." Chris announced.

"You gotta be kidding me." Sabri said as she shook her head.

Jax jumped up in rage. "What the heck was that? My lightning was completely gone before I could even attack."

"That'll be the special ability of my blade Durendal. The blade can absorb shock from direct strikes, energy, and even elements. Anything it absorbs is use to strengthen it, making the blade indestructible" Sabrina explained to him.

"You're a powerful boy, but you impatiently rushed in without even knowing your opponent or their abilities. Also, you selfishness pulled you away for your team, making you easy target. Here's your first two lessons: Know your opponents and work as a team." She talked to Jax. She then turned to face the rest of them and smiled. "That goes for all of you." She added.

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